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Jimin's POV

I remember a week ago Jungkook said if I feel alone or something I should call him or someone to be with me. I feel the same way I did a week ago. Depressed.

Maybe now is a good time to call Jungkook over. I call him but I don't want to talk to him or invite him over, I just want to be alone but I know I should call him. It's not safe for me to be alone when I feel like this.

I don't answer him because I decide to call someone else, someone who I've been wanting to talk to for a long time, but never get the time to. When he says 'later' it most likely means 'unlikely' or 'never'.

I slowly press on my hyungs phone number and patiently wait for him to answer.


Would he even come over if  I asked him to, he always refuses most of the thing I ask of him.


Should I keep silent and test him? If I don't answer like I did that one time, would Suga hyung come rushing over? If I reenacted that situation that got hyung dangerously mad at and, would he come running over? I could finally have the time with him to tell what I have wanted for a long time without hearing an excuse or 'later'.

"Bruh, I don't have time for this"

"What is it?"

I hang up. Of course Suga hyung would never come rushing over to me, I'm not that important to him. I'm not his parents or his brother. I'm not Namjoon or J-Hope.

I'll just stay by myself.

Call Me 💙Jikook💙Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin