Chapter 23: Azariah | Emotional Wreck

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June, 16, 2014, 9:54AM — I was done writing this chapter. And this is short. Sorry. But I'm planning on stretching the story because... I don't want this story to end. But it must end, right? *cries*


Chapter 23: Azariah | Emotional Wreck

Title: Emotional Wreck

POV: Azariah


          I got drunk. I was partying hard like there was no tomorrow. This time, I was back in my old self. Being a Mr. Player. Playing, toying with girls. And they seemed to like it. So why stop? Everything was hurting me. My heart—was having an emotional wreck—was crying. It felt like it was pouring blood, making my body bloodless. Miss Brunette pinched my cheek and she kissed me. And the worst move I have ever made—I thought—in my whole life, I kissed her back. Shit.

          But I didn’t know what to do. My soul was wandering, my brain was fuzzing, my eyes were puffy and red. But I didn’t care. I was lost. And it seemed like I was planning on keeping it that way. Be lost for a moment. And I didn’t care about the world right now. I was partying. I was having fun so no one must not stop me from having fun because I would kill them and castrate them, or worse, bury them alive.

          I thought about Jennifer but then I shook the thought away. I didn’t want to remember Jennifer right now because it was causing me pain. It was causing my world shatter. It was breaking me. I wanted to hold her and kiss her right now. But I couldn’t. Because I was stupid and selfish bastard.

          My body was moving, making my mind place in a haven. It felt right and cool and perfect and I didn’t want to stop because I was, really, having fun on my own. No Jennifer. No London. No everything. Just me. And these folks. Then I drifted off to sleep. It was so stupid of me, right?

          The last thing I remembered was someone was waking me.


          I wake up, and my stupid head is pounding. I get dizzy once my eyes open. And my stomach is grumbling, demanding some food. My throat is dry and my hair is messy and in a different directions. I shut my eyes for a moment, as if it would stop my head from throbbing and my stomach from grumbling. I roll my eyes because of my stupidness and head to the bathroom. I splash some cold water on my face to make me fully awake, brush my teeth, and check myself in the mirror and then head out of my room to go to cafeteria to eat. I spot my friends and Pepper sees me and waves her hand at me and I wave back.

         But I don’t see George, Georgina, Amy and Jennifer in our mini group. Yes. They’ve been hanging with us since Jennifer and I made up. Pretty cool, right? And today, pretty depressing, right? I grumble and mutter something about ‘stupid of me’ phrases under my breath because I don’t want my friends to hear it or else they will make fun of me. My heart suddenly aches because… I admit, I am disappointed not to see Jennifer. I am hurting. And I badly want to touch her. Or just to see her happy. I know I would do everything just to see her smile again.

          I see Jennifer today, but her eyes don’t meet mine. She just passes me like she doesn’t know me or worse, she doesn’t know I exist. Then she runs and I hear sobbing. My eyes suddenly, unexpectedly, swell. I stiffen and run to my room and just cry.

          Yeah. I’m having an emotional wreck.


Last one chapter and done. *CRIES* WHY????


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