Chapter 16: Azariah | Falling Apart...

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Chapter 16: Azariah | Falling Apart…

Title: Falling Apart...

POV: Azariah

I’ve been avoiding Jennifer since last month, I’m trying to keep my distance from her. Since my mind is so clouded right now, I can’t think straight. I didn’t visit mom on Thanksgiving Day, nor did I call them. But I sent a message to them, saying that I wouldn’t be coming home ‘till Christmas. I promise to them that I’ll be home before Christmas.

Mom sent me a text a month ago that Jennifer went to my house, asking for me if I was there. I just replied to her ‘thanks’. What would I else to say? Nothing. Since I’m still clearing my mind. I don’t know what to do.

I’m always with Maple. Most of my time. I’m guiding her, protecting her, as if I’m the husband. Maple asked me about Jennifer and I just shook my head, clearly saying that I didn’t feel like talking. So she just nodded, understanding my mess. I’m in my class today. Mr. Portes, the Italian guy, is talking about history. I know I’m interested in History, but I don’t feel my brain participating. I just sigh, and lean down my head. Somehow annoyed and frustrated. Mr. Porter seems to notice me, since he’s looking at me, raising his eyebrow. I guess he expected me to participate in his class, since I’m on his ‘best students’ list. After the discussion, I put all my things on my desk inside my bag, stuffing it everywhere. Not caring if it’s not organized.

I hear Mr. Portes clears his throat, and I look up at him. Silence is swinging in our surrounding, that students have left. Only me, and Mr. Poster are inside the classroom. “I’m sorry, sir.” I mutter, I’m expecting a scolding, or something, since he called my name thrice and I didn’t answer them. But I’m shocked when a calmness of his voice comes out of his mouth.

“Are there any problems, Mr. Colton?” Mr. Portes asks me, a worry surrounds his voice. “These past few days, you seem out of the world. What is happening?”

A silence again, our breathing is hearable. My pulse is beginning to throb. My head is spinning. I feel like I’m gonna vomit. I don’t know why, but I must be too tired. “Nothing, Mr. Portes. Just clearing my mind because of something.” I state to him, then sigh. Releasing a breath than I’ve been holding for a minute. “I’m just caught in between of something. Sorry, sir. I’m gonna clear my mind today, and this is not gonna happen again, sir. Sorry.”

Mr. Portes sighs, and pats me on my shoulder. I look up at him, and he’s father-attitude on, “See, Mr. Colton, you’ve been great in my class. Yes, I should be scolding you right now,” he says, a tone of worry forms in his voice, “but don’t worry. Clear your mind. I understand you. Here’s an advice, take a deep breathe, think, let your mind focus, and solve the problem one by one. Avoiding problems will make it worst, and it’s not a perfect solution for your problems, is it?” I shake my head, a smile is spreading across my face. It’s like my face lights up because of what my professor has said just a second ago. Mr. Portes is the closest teacher I bond with. He treats me like a son. I don’t treat him as my teacher, but I do treat him like my own father. With respect and honor. He’s been good and kind to me. So I just return it by being one of his ‘best students’.

He notices that I’m smiling, because he smiles too, a small lines forming on his skin near his eyes. So I know that his smile is genuine and pure. “Thank you, Mr. Portes. I’ll take your advice.” I breathe out, then stand up. He pats me on the shoulder again, and he grins. He jerks his head to the door, signaling I can go out. So I do. Wouldn’t want to get kicked out by my professor, would I? I chuckle at the thought of Mr. Portes kicking my ass. That’s so unlike him.

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