Chapter 21: Jennifer | Troy. Mom. Dad. Azariah. Problems!

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I was listening to Spice Girls while I was writing this, and I felt relaxed and I could write freely. Well, this chapter is going to be long. 4000-5000 words. Day one: 600 words. Day two: 1900 words. Hmmm. The end is near.... *cries*

June 12, 2014, 11:22AM — I have finished writing this chapter. The total words are 4,034 words. Woop! Woop! Have fun reading this!


Chapter 21: Jennifer | Troy. Mom. Dad. Azariah. Problems!

Title: Troy. Mom. Dad. Azariah. Problems!

POV: Jennifer

         It has been a month since Azariah and I made up our love story. Every day, we would kiss publicly. We would ignore the looks that we are getting every day. Probably, they are still hoping that Azariah and I would break up. But I am not going to let that happen. And today, I am planning to talk to my dad. I feel bad for ignoring him since he told me the truth about what has happened between him and mom. I guess I’m a terrible daughter. But this time, I will make things right between me and him. Because I want him to give me a second chance. I know I am being demanding, but I have to. I have to ask for his forgiveness. Because I have been an idiot. I take a deep breath and exhale. I’m tired of dramas, and I obviously need a change about relationships. I have asked mom about dad, if she still loves him and she replied, “Of course, I still love your father. I swore to myself that I will love him forever, dear. But I was hurt. It still hurts” Of course, she was hurt. What to expect? But I want to tell her that she’s thinking wrongly of dad. Since he didn’t have a fling nor did he have a mistress. My dad still loves mom. And I want them to be together again. It would mean a lot to me, a chance to be together again.

          I sigh as I remember another matter. Troy. And I am planning on talking to him tomorrow. One at a time. I’m not a robot, duh. I need a break. Tomorrow, we need to talk about his hopes. And seriously, I don’t want to hurt him. He’s been sweet and all, but look what I just did. I gave him some hope. A hope for us to be together, but it’s not going to happen. There won’t be an ‘us’. Because I love Azariah Spencer Colton. The cool breeze of wind brushes my skin, and I shiver.

          Another thing, Azariah. This past week, there is something bugging him. But I don’t know what it is. And I know that he doesn’t want to talk about it, and I’m not going to press him. He’d talk to me whenever he feels like to do it. Ah. This is getting complicated. I just want a normal life, a normal love life, a normal everything. But it seems like God is giving me a real hard time. This is a karma, I think. I sigh, frustrated. It feels like my brain is going to explode because of these issues. Troy. Azariah. Dad. Ugh! Why men are so complicated? I shut my eyes for a moment, and prepare myself. I head to dad’s room, and good thing, it’s a break so we have time to talk. As I enter his room, he’s busy organizing his stuffs. There’s a pain look in his eyes, and I want to take them away. And I know it’s my fault, so I have to fix this.

          What to say? I can’t just walk in and say: Oh hey dad. See, it’s entirely my fault. And I’m so sorry about what happened between you and me, and between you and mom. And I want you guys to be together again. Please forgive me, because I forgive you. And thank you. Good bye. Ciao!

Ms. Heartbreaker Meets Mr. PlayerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora