Chapter 7

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Susan's POV:

Holy shit! I can't believe it! I have his Facebook now. Do I text him now? Would I sound clingy? Or do I wait? Im so impatient!!

Did he really wanted to talk to me or was he doing it because he felt he needed to?

Oh God! I can't figure my feelings. I have definitely fallen for him.

One second I was boiling in jealousy and the next, I was on a happy cloud.

But I had his Facebook!!!!

I kicked, jumped, and giggled at the thoughts of him in my room. Because no one was home. Else, I would have been dead by now. I sighed and jumped on my bed. My heart skipping beats every time I think of him.


Philip Brown 18:03:

Hi Susan, how are you?

My heart skips a beat when I see his first message on my phone. As romantic as I am, I screenshot my screen with his first message and name on it! It will be a good memory, I smile at myself.

Susan Hayes 18:07:

Hi Philip, I am very well thank you. How are you?

Philip Brown 18:11:

I am good thanks, hope I am not bothering? I'm chilling on my rooftop here!

What?? I yell. On a rooftop?! I clutch my phone tightly. Does he know how dangerous is that? How can he be so irresponsible? My mind flashes with thoughts of tragedies that could befall my burger crush. But I cannot tell him to get off. Not now. Fuck.

Susan Hayes 18:16:

No, you're not. I am happy to hear from you! Please stay safe.
I should admit you didn't strike to me as a sunset person!

Philip Brown 18:18:

I appreciate your caring –but I am used to heights? 😉 Well now you know I am. Do you like sunsets too?

He winked at me! Omg! My heart will definitely fail tonight.

Susan Hayes 18:21:

I haven't really watched one in front of me, so I wouldn't know. *Please don't judge?*

Philip Brown 18:23:

Haha, Not promising anything. Any plans for tonight?

Susan Hayes 18:27:

Will catch up on studies! Boring Thursday for me. How about you?

Philip Brown 18:28:

I was on my way to get some burgers, but now that I know you're not working tonight, I got back in my room! 😒

Susan Hayes 18:30:

Oh noo!!! 😞 Well you will get some burgers even if I'm not there... The burgers will still taste the same. Do not worry. 😉

Philip Brown 18:32:

It is not the same? I like them only when you take the orders or serve me..*peeking from under the covers*

He is flirting with me!! OMG. Is he playing with me or does he really mean it?

I can't erase that goofy grin on my face.

Susan Hayes 18:36:

Are you flirting with me Mr. Brown? *blushing*

Philip Brown 18:38:

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