I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 11

Start from the beginning

I saw Elliot leave but come back a few minutes later with 2 glasses of coke, he handed me one and sat on an armchair opposite the sofa, we gave him a quick glance and he smiled warmly before i turned back to his mum, who turned to elliot

"well Elliot, shes perfect, so much better than that Vicki girl, wow i didnt like her"

i was about to protest and say i wasnt dating him but he stood up and offered me his free hand

"yeah ok mum, we're going upstairs now"

she winked at him and then stood up

"be nice, i like this girl" she said seriously, pointing her finger at him, he nodded slowly and i accepted his hand, he pulled me up and we began to walk out only to hear his mum shout out

"Elliot Zachary Ryans you behave mister!"

i tried to hold in a laugh and he glared at me before poking his tongue out and pulling me upstairs to his room, when we got in there i noticed it was extremely tidy, i turned to face him and saw that he was opening his blinds to reveal a massive window, he began unlocking it and opened the window/door, i saw it led out onto the roof and he turned to me smiling, i smiled back.

"did you tidy your room for me?"

he paused, looking down at the floor for a few moments before looking back up at me

"fancy going on the roof? dont worry its completly safe and besides i'll protect you"

i smiled and walked forward, outside there was the roof from the room below, there was a blanket folded up and a radio, i smiled at him as he stepped out backwards before getting down on one knee and offering me his hand,

I laughed and took it and he helped me out, he let go off my hand to move the blanket and put the radio on, Lawson - When She Was Mine was playing and he smiled at me before turning all straight and offering me his hand again

"care to dance mi'lady?"

i laughed before nodding and placing my hand in his, he twirled me into him and we began softly swaying to the music, he spun me around every now and again and even gave me a few dips, during the whole dance we chatted randomly and i always laughed when he gave me a suprise dip and pulled me back up quickly.

During the random dance i felt his stare hold onto me, i looked up at him and our eyes locked together, his dark brown eyes swallowing me whole, Nothing Even Matters by Big Time Rush came on and the first line smacked into our situation perfectly

Because the world stops when i put my arms around you.

I smiled and Elliot smiled back, i felt our hands let go only so he could wrap it around my waist and i brought mine up to his neck so both his hands were on my waist and both mine were on his neck.

"you have beautiful eyes"

i smiled and felt my cheeks go redder as i looked away but had to look back, those eyes were so hypnotising. I felt him move closer and saw that he was slowly leaning in, i smiled inside before slowly leaning up to him, his eyes closed and mine followed shortly.

I could feel his breath on my lips and i could have actually died right there, just as they were about to collide i felt a vibration in my pocket, Elliot obviously felt it to considering our bodies were pressed against each other.

I stepped back and he reluctantly let me go, i gave him a sorry look but he looked away, i sighed and pulled out my phone to see who was calling me, Leon.

I sighed again before answering it

Ellie - "hello?"

Leon - "where are you? i waited for ages and you never arrived, Lexi hadnt seen you either, Ellie where the hell are you?"

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