Chapter 28: Sickness

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Chapter 28: Sickness

"Are we talking about the same Manu?" He laughed in light worry.

"We should be," I reassured him. "He is like your brother or something right?"

"Yes! You must tell me everything! I haven't heard from him in sometime." Pierre leaned forward in his chair, eagerly.

"Ag," I glanced nervously at the humans in the room.

The second man had re-joined the group. They were staring at me in confusion, disgust, and slight curiosity. A combination I had experienced before with some of the other humans in the colony. Few humans had contact with the vampires, usually working on tasks side-by-side, the rest tried to stay far away from the supernatural protectors. I myself had distanced my contact with others other than Manu, they gave me a very uncomfortable feeling that I had attuned to their beings.

"If I could have a moment of privacy with the patient, guys?" The vampire asked in a polite tone that left no room to argue.

"Ah, wow, its just hard to believe. He never was one to settle down," He continued. "How did you meet?"

I spoke of the blood exchange or what I knew of the binding, the whole process aspect of it was hazy to me. I told him of what I feared followed me. I could only go about a minute of recounting before Pierre would interrupt with comments. I wasn't any better of keeping on subject. I needed to tell him that the coven was dead, that Manu's status could be the same and was unknown by me.  But we both had our own questions to ask, it gave us a few minutes before that subject had to be brought up.

"Its this a human colony?" I asked. If the sun was rising, why were they playing kickball so early?

"Yep," He spoke in such a way that had me believe that either he was younger than Manu, or he had watched a lot of TV and had learned to speak as such. 


"No, that is besides me at least right now,  Hélène was tired of my brethren and wanted to re-amerce herself in human culture. I expect Manu will be joining us as well?"

"Well-" How could I tell him that I suspected the man he saw as his brother was dead.

"Manu, he will be coming, yes?" He asked, with a wide fang flashing smile.

"You have the wrong idea. We aren't like you and Hélène! I-I don't know what we are or were because-!" I was frustrated when he cut me off.

"Is that a no? I haven't seen a binding pair so new as yours' to be able to handle separation well." Pierre's concern was refreshing over his impatient questioning.

"The colony was raided about a two weeks ago. I haven't seen him since. Listen, I think Manu may be-" A lump had formed in my throat that I was trying to power through.

"After this you were claimed, yes?" I wish he would stop doing that. How did Hélène live with him? Does she not kill him because he is already undead?

"That would explain so but not all of the side effects." He murmured to himself, deep in thought.

"Side effects?" I asked, shocked. I knew there were things that Manu was hiding from me! Probably because he knew that they would upset me, but that ass had no right!

"Manu told you a snippet of my binding to Hélène, but I need to know if he told you about Cephas and Petra?" Pierre inquired.

"I'd met Cephas, he tried to attack me! Guido spoke of a Petra but Manu refused to tell me what had happened," I replied with an edge. 

"Poor Cep, he had a binding with that girl early after the Human Age, I'm sure they were happy for a short time. A Night Beast pack wanted a visit, she was spotted by one and placed a claim on her," He clarified. "It is unusual for it to happen, a human cast between one of us and one of them. Unfortunately, in such situations it is a fight to the death or until one side concedes."

"And in their case?" I urged.

"The Night Beast was an upper rank pack member, highly trained and followed. He had both an upper-hand in skill and help over Cephas. He was losing, badly by the end, Petra begged him to give up. I know he still blames himself. We have all seen the horror of a Night Beast mating first hand." He gave me a pity knowing look. I had to glance away from his inhumanly intense eyes, eyes so familiar.

"That's why covens hide their humans, correct? Manu told me you don't hide Hélène, why?" I demanded. I was jealous oddly enough, it didn't seem fair that they got to be with each other so openly, even in pack territory. I had no right, they loved each other, and Maun and I, we...

"Hélène, she had one who claimed her before, a lowly pack member," Pierre spoke lowly, in a dark tone. 

"You killed him? I cant imagine a Natural just giving up and accepting defeat." Did I sound a bit off when I spoke?

"No, I didn't. She did," Pierre's face resumed to a more cheerful expression. 

I could see why that memory would bring him joy. 

"The side effects of being separated in an early binding can be withheld in the case of a mating as well," He explained. "Had you been taken from the coven, and held away from the Night Beast, you would have fallen sick, or sicker than you are now." His concern was back as he examined my face.

Sure I had felt off the last few days trailing aimlessly in the woods, but it was nothing I was sure. Maybe a cold. Maybe sore, over use muscles. Maybe lack of rest. I was fine.

"I should get you to bed," He sighed, clearly wanting to talk more. "Where is Manu? He was left behind at Guido's coven, yes?"

"I don't know." Emotion washed over me, nothing I could ever express around Bram or the Beta.

"You don't know?" He repeated slowly, unsure. 

"It all happened so fast in the end. The coven, there was so much blood where Manu had last been standing," Pierre looked horrified. "And ashes, ashes everywhere outside. There were piles covering the grass until it wasn't green anymore.  The Naturals had pulled them from the building into the sun. I was so scared-"

A tear dropped from my eye and landed on my hand. Funny, I though I had lost the ability to cry a while ago. A cool hand placed itself on top of mine. 

"He is alive." Pierre seemed to be trying to convince himself as well as me.

"How do you know?" I said in a weak, scratchy voice. 

"If he was dead, then you wouldn't have gotten this far. And with me and Hélène to help you, we will find him, together." His tone was encouraging but his eyes spoke of something else. 

Did I really look that bad?

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