Chapter 22: Scarred

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I've been typing in the dark. It makes me realize that those typing lessons have actually had a real world use. 

Chapter 22: Scarred

Bram had us sit down for dinner together, though it was late. He was so carefree, hugging and kissing on my mom, while she and I were tense. He had her sit at his side with me on the other. I had divert my eyes when his actions became more than appropriate. I wanted to do something for my mom badly but I was a coward. I met her gaze at brief moments, her face was sympathetic. 

My fear was for her and myself. Bram wanted to take me to get registered, well re-registered but I wasn't going to tell him than.  I was sure going the processing again wouldn't raise any red flags, but I was back on the territory, the last place he saw me. And if I was claimed, I would be just like my mom. Scared and scarred.  

"Your mom and I have some big plans for you, young lady," Bram declared, never letting my mom talk. He wanted me to finish school and then find a mate, though he had to be aware that there were few human mates in any of the territories. I hope he missed the way I tensed. The last thing I wanted to was to be claimed. My mom's eyes didn't miss anything though.

I wanted to tell her everything, but for the rest of the night Bram made sure not to leave us alone. His hands never left my mom. Even when she was cleaning me up, he hovered. He took over my bandaging much to mine and Mom's dismay. I particularly didn't want his hands on me, neither did my mom. She was a registered nurse before Bram and was perfectly capable of taking care of the injuries than he and his Naturals had caused. 

"Poor Puppy," Bram cooed, stroking the bloating lines left by his claws.

My arms were a ripped mess, gauze had to be wrapped from my palms to my chest. My nose had a cut as well as my lips. Half my face was swelling a dark blue. My ribs were incredibly tender and purple. My knees were just as bruised. I was a horrifying sight. No wonder my mom cried when see first saw me. 

I was finally left alone when Bram deemed it was 'bedtime'. He all but shoved me in a room by myself before audibly locking me in. The room was horrifying. I knew that Bram was psychotic already but he had the room set up exactly as I did before we went under the house. Thank goodness he hadn't been able to sense us. All the clothing was in the same drawers, folded. Ew, he had touched my underwear. Pictures were placed on the walls in the same order, though just like down stairs, my father was missing or had been taped over my Bram.

Knowing the door was locked, I tried the windows. Bolted. The last thing I wanted to do was lay down and sleep but I didn't have much of an option. There was no way I was getting out the door and the vents here were as wide as a foot. Bram had secure this house to keep my mom here, and now me. Poor Mom, she had to sleep next to him.

The next day, I was sure I hadn't slept at all. I didn't get under the covers, rather curled up on top of the pillows clutching my screw. Not that it would stop Bram, who wasn't interested  in me like that, but being on the territory had my whole body taut. I wondered if I could steal a knife from the kitchen, if Bram even let my mom have any. 

Mom looked just as tired as me. A thick scab had replaced the bandage on her face but there was a new set on her wrists. Bram had gone after her after locking me away. I felt sick. Bram himself was all glow. A smile was planted on his face as he ate, his eyes only on my mom. 

"So, Natalie," Bram said carefully. I was wary of him saying my name. What had happened to his need to call me his 'puppy'? "Should we be heading out? I'm sure you and I both rather not spend most the day getting you through processing." He gave a soft laugh. 

I gave him a nod. Sure I wanted to be with my mom, but if I could get him away from here for any amount of time, I was going to do it. Bram gave my mom an exaggerated kiss before grabbing the keys for the doors down from the hook. It took a few minutes for him to unlock and then relock the front door. My mom must have given him some trouble in the past years.

The drive was silent. Thankfully, Bram didn't cuff me again. But once we reached a familiar building, his hands became clamps on my arms. He directed me inside to the lobby, the polished Natural welcoming area. I got stared at. 

"Now you take care of my pup, you hear?" Bram glared down at the attendant. His eyes turned to mine and softened. "I'll be waiting right here if you need me."

Becoming re-registered was the same process as the first time, except not questioning. The other Naturals actually handled me nicer, must because I was being put on out-patient status with Bram as my guardian. Just another way for him to take over my life anymore.    

I was returned to Bram's custody, rewrapping my arm's bandage from were it had been pleaded back for blood to be drawn. We were so close to leaving, me under his arm. The doors where right there, and then the car.

There was growling, the angry kind I had begun to hear and recognize. 

Bram was ripped away from me. I fell backwards a step before finding my footing. I swung around to find Bram pinned to the wall a foot from reach. A large set of hands were clasped over his throat, his own prying at the grip. His face was turning red with emblazed eyes that were locked on mine.

"N-n-na-a-lie," He sputtered out. 

The large body of the choker froze, as if he had forgotten the reason behind the attack, before the head pivoted in my direction. The eyes were black, much like those of Manu but brought me much more fear. A twisted smile grew, exposing enlarged teeth. His recognition had him dropping a coughing Bram.

"Mate," A deep voice rumble out of the Natural with a cocked head. Hands that previously strangled Bram, reached out towards me. I glanced between the beast before me and the one who had claimed my mother. Bram was in the wrong position on the other side of his body to act as a meat shield. 

"Mate," he stranded out again, clearly wanting me to approach.

I thought of my mom. She had gone to Bram because she needed to protect me, to give me enough time to run for my life. I had no one to protect nor anyone to protect me. I knew this was bound to happen. I could run and hide for the rest of my life. 

But I was sure going to. 

Arms, much faster than my mind could comprehend, pulled me into a body before I had even gotten a step away. I was momentary stunned before I began to struggle as a face was pressed into my hair. When I couldn't separate the muscle that held me, I attempted dive underneath them. I was reprimanded with a snarl.

He was yelling at me but I was garbled with the rush of blood in my ears. I was though, were must aware of the pain that came next. My face in his bent down shoulder, his in mine. I was screaming, I was sure. His face pulled back with my blood dripping down his chin. He winced at my frequency. My hands fought to cup at the fire at my neck.

He had claimed me. I was a claimed human mate. I was going to end up just like my mother, except I would be expected to children, his children. He would call them pups and puppies. 

I screamed louder.

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