Chapter 7: The Sun, Moon, and Stars

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Chapter 7: The Sun, Moon, and Stars

It was the same routine everyday dictated by the chimes: morning wake up, bathroom break, breakfast, re-education classes, lunch, dinner, bathroom break, and lights out. Nothing as exciting or scary as my first full day. Several days passed without a sign of Emilee or Dad. I knew that we had been split up, but there couldn't be that many humans being confined in this building.

One morning the routine changed. We were handed shoes. I was very confused.

"There is a fenced-in area they put us during the day as the full moon approaches," Rebekah explained. "The Naturals can barely stand to be indoors leading up to it."

That's something I didn't remember from school. I guess looking back there were days that were nicely Natural-free. I didn't have many moons at school before we went underground, so I never noticed a pattern.

"How long have you been here?" I asked. Surely dyed hair didn't have to same sentencing time as per say running away from the Natural government.

"Oh, I have been here off and on for different things," she told me signature smile. "Somebodies got to keep their dumb rules in check."

I pulled my pair on. I had always had bigger feat than the average girl. It was an issue I faced when I forgot tennis shoes for gym class or if I wanted to shop the shoe clearance. But the shoes the Natural guard threw on my bunk as he walked down the aisle were too big for me. I had a lot of space in the toe and when I picked me feet up, the heel almost slipped off. I would have suggested a trade with somebody, but everyone seemed to be struggling with their footwear anyway.

We were then sped-marched trough the hallways to doors that opened to sunshine and grass. A fence stood to the side connecting to the building. Dew and loose blades clung to the hem of my sweats. I followed Rebekah to a damp faded picnic bench. Sitting, we watched as the gate was open and shut as more groups of differing aged humans entered. The short haired girls joined us.

As the age gap between us and the other groups of humans grew, I began to notice a decline in numbers and lack of freedoms. As in, some of the adult humans were restrained or even attached to the fence by chains. They must have done something much more terrible than disrespect of the body image rules. After the gates were closed for the last time, the Naturals all gathered at their own tables a little away from us. Even while outside they were still doing paperwork.

I moved to lay in the grass. It wasn't a perfect day to sun-bath the clouds looked dark with rain, but the sunshine was warm. I closed my eyes. Even free, I hadn't been able enjoy the outdoors during the day. Only at night was it ever safe to go out, and then it wasn't for pleasure, but supply runs with my dad fretting over everything. This was a small piece of peace that I had missed for some time. It was nice. Though I would have preferred it to be at least a bit quiet.

I peeked an eye opened at looked towards the noise. It seems the Naturals were sparring with the antsy feelings from the moon building up. I could tune that out.

"My money is on the big guy," said an older male.

"They are all big guys," whined a middle-aged lady.

"Oh, do beat the crap out of each other," remarked a snarky teenage boy.

The conversations filtered in and out of my head. I knew there wasn't much for us to do, but really, everyone was paying attention to the beasts. And where did they get the money to bet?

That's when an argument started on our side of the fence. Naturals liked to fight but never like this, only to improve skill, not with dirty moves to cause the most pain. It was all so fast. Two other men, both with their hands chained in front of themselves, were dripping blood. The tables near them had vacated to the sides on the fence, including the ones with Rebekah and her friends. I was the closest human to the violent men.

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