Chapter 17: Dismembered

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My roommate's new nickname for me is 'Burrito' because that's how I apparently sleep. 

Chapter 17: Dismembered 

I hadn't actually met Topher before, I knew of him.  He was a year older, on the varsity soccer team, and seemingly popular among most students. I'd seen his name on spirit banners and heard it in conversations. Rebekah always seemed like a black sheep compared to him. Not that she minded, she talked about her brother in awe. 

And I left her behind. I knew there wasn't much I could have done but I couldn't help how guilty I felt. Especially as I gazed at her brother's face.

"Natalie," I said reaching out my forearm for him to grab. I though I was being polite like following the customs of a country when visiting, but when he hesitated I knew something was up. "Ah, that's a vampire thing," I guessed.

"Yeah, we humans aren't cool enough for more than handshakes," he shrugged in good humor. "Shall we?" He gestured to the hallway.

Topher showed me the entire area. It was mostly a split compound that made up a human colony and the vampire coven. The building we exited from was the only one above the surface, it was converted after the take over by the coven but it used to be a small school for the surrounding countryside. Above, the rest of the region was old fields and forest. Under, were the countless tunnels and rooms.

We passed few humans, but none seemed to want anything to do with me. I didn't know if it was a new kid thing or the fact I was still wearing Manu's clothing. Or maybe it was because I haven't showered in like a week.

"So where are you from?" Topher asked out of the blue after showing me the power grid and emergency protocols. 

"Oh, um..." I wanted to bring up his sister, the sister who though he was still with his Natural unit, but I was scared to see how he would react. Would he hate me?

"Its ok if you don't want to talk about it! Most humans had a traumatic experience to get here." He lead us down a set of stairs that went deep into the earth. "For example, me. I was drafted by the Naturals to defend the front against a rival pack. For a human, that's as close as you can come by to a suicide mission. So I ran."

"No, no I'm okay talking about it. I'm just not sure how people would react if they knew." I cringed."So it was that easy? You just left?" I said to shift the conversation. I kept my eyes on the steps below me. I really would want to fall down this set. 

"Well, I had no idea where I was heading but I found a roaming group of humans. Soon after I joined them, we stumbled here. Some of them have left for different colonies or gone off on their own." 

"Wow, I mean, you must have been so scared."

"At times," he thought. "Its easier to disappear in places where humans are seen as disposable."

"I can relate all too well to that." I murmured. I wish I was still seen that way

"So you?" He asked again. His face turned in my direction and he evened his pace to mine. 

"Okay, well, not to sound weird but I already knew you. We went to school together. I was friends with Rebekah." I told him, keeping my eyes focused downwards then at him.

"Man, Rebekah," He sighed. I glanced to find his hands pulling at his hair. "She probably thinks I'm dead."

"No...she doesn't," I hedged. I could feel a dampness gathering about my eyes. I think I about was crying. "She doesn't even know your missing because she may have been placed in the human re-education program, again."

"Oh," Topher sounded somewhat surprised. 

"And I know this because I was with her before I was nearly killed. Manu rescued me from a beast. I'm sorry I didn't bring her. We only had so long before they handed me over," I blubbered. I was sure that I looked all red and puffy. Tears had began to spring. "I'm s-so s-sorry!" 

I hated when I cried. It wasn't movie crying or even the mascara crying. Snot dripped from my nose, and I hiccupped on air. I was so hot, I was sure I had a body-wide blush. I pulled at Manu's shirt sleeves to maintain a somewhat decent  appearance. Though, I wouldn't imagine that Manu was approve of me using his borrowed clothing as a hanky. 

"Hey, hey. I'm not upset. As long as you are both safe, no matter where, is all that matters." He reassured me. He gather me in a comforting hug, rubbing his hands up and down my shoulders."Shh, Smat gathers raids all the time, I'll join up when their target is facility she's at."

There we stood, on a stairwell, in the middle of earth. the brother of the girl I left behind trying to comfort me. Human life used to be so easy. Hell, living in a crawlspace was easier. 

"Wh-what kind of name is Smat?" I choked out. 

He gave a short laugh, "The Smat kind." 

Topher pulled back. He bend down to look in my eyes.

"I don't blame you for anything. You need to know that"

I hiccupped and wiped at my eyes. His hands wiped my tangled hair out of my eyes.

"Now, are you feeling better?" He asked gently.

I gave a nod followed by another hiccup. He was being way to nice to me. It just made me feel more guilty.

"Good enough to meet more humans? Even the Smat kind?" Topher asked with his family's signature smile on his face.

I attempted a weak smile, "Especially the Smat kind."

He opened a door of the stairwell. It lead to a carpeted hallway that ended in a furnished lounge. There, sat other humans. They hadn't noticed are entrance and I used the time to do a self assessment. I was decent. Still had to pee, but that could wait. 

One head popped up in our direction. The boy's face split into a wide grin. The others followed his line of direction. 

"Sweet, we were needing another player for Twister." He shouted to us. 

Topher whispered into my ear, "I present Smat."


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