Chapter 23: Foreboding

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Chapter 23: Foreboding

I had stopped screaming, tears still streamed down my face but I had yet to make another sound. My neck throbbed fiercely, worsening with the rubbing of fabric and touch. My shirt was drenched by blood and sticking to the clotting wound. A large arm was wrapped around my waist. The attaching body never lost contact with mine. Multiple eyes were constantly on me. I couldn't run. 

The Natural that had claimed me was resting on the couch by my side. I was back at Bram's. My mom sat in the far armchair with Bram standing behind her. The only part of the situation was even enjoyable was the every healing bruising around Bram's neck. My mom looked like she was going to be sick. She nor anyone had been allowed to help me clean my neck. The Natural touched it every so often but had done nothing to help.

"I must apologize, Delta Dixon, to you and your mate for my harm to you." The large Natural spoke.

I had never seen a Natural of his size before. Public school was only for Gamma and below positons, though pubescent, they were still bigger than a full grown human. And this Natural easily out beefed Bram. I didn't like it and it was making me more nervous.

"I accept. Your reaction was completely reasonable, with my pup being you own mate. I'm sure anyone else in your position would act in the same manner." Bram gave a small head dip.

Bram's hands were on my mom's shoulders, rubbing. Her eyes would meet mine at moments before glancing back down to her lap. I was sure, in the twisted maternal logic, that she felt that the Natural claiming me was her fault. Had Bram given me a minute of her free time, she would know that this was put into motion before she could even get involved.

"It was still unacceptable for harming my mate's own father," the Natural huffed, squeezing me closer so our thighs were touching. My stomach fluttered queasily. 

I had to scoff at his words and the prideful gleam in Bram's eyes. That beast was not my father. My father was a far greater man that would have never hurt my mom or forced himself upon her. 

"You have something to add, Mate?" he mused, cocking his down to my height.

His eyes were delighted as he scanned my hopefully neutral face as if I had promised him a present. The other of his hand reached for my face. I flinched back, straining the coagulated wound. A hiss escaped from my lips and I reached for my neck. 

My attention was brought back to the Natural when a quiet rumble vibrated at my side. I looked up to see my fortified mother, Bram with a strained look, and a unhappy beast presenting its self in dark eyes. I had to gulp back my terror. 

"It seems me and my mate need so alone time. I'll be sure to contact your Alpha, Delta, to set up a visitation between the two territories." The Natural began to make a movement to stand. His hold on me was viselike and forced me to follow.

"Yes, well, me and Maddy do have some concerns when it comes to Pup-Natalie., before you go," Bram sputtered out. He was growing uneasy with the rising beast in the room. His posture moved so he ever-so-slightly cover Mom. "I'm not sure if you were aware-"

"I assure you, I am well aware when it comes to my mate," he challenged.

"Yes, of course, its just Natalie hasn't finished her schooling, even at the remedial human level. And there is also the running aspect that hasn't been solved-" Bram was cut off with a growl.

"I will be taking care of my mate. We will be leaving now. " The Natural's tone was threatening.

I was unsure if the Natural would actually go after Bram, who he could rip to shreds. His anger was easily stirred, and, while not directed at me, was scaring me shitless. A small part of me did want his to beat the crap out of Bram, though, just to get Mom a little revenge.

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