Chapter 9: Blue Blood

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Chapter 9: Blue Blood

The thing about vomiting is that once you start, it is very hard to stop. The Jell-O wasn't so green anymore, and my shirt wasn't grey anymore. I couldn't exactly turn to throw up over the side of the bed. Mixed with stomach acid, it left a putrid smell that I could escape. I heaved until I felt too weak to even properly breath. Every so often, my body quivered to reach up, rising as far up as the restrains would allow, and then snapping back on to the mattress.

Feeling faint, I rested my eyes. I'm positive I hadn't slept since i was brought to this room. It had something to do with the florescent lights and their constant buzzing. Why wont they turn those things off?

I heard the door open and I suppressed the urge to open my eyes. It was the Naturals that came to check on me every so often. Odd, they never came in together. The door closed softly, like someone was taking care no to be heard.

"You shouldn't be doing this," the older woman whispered. Strange, I didn't think beast were capable of such a low volume.

"Do you want Dr. Sorrine to punished?" the older man griped. He didn't whisper as quietly as the other Natural.

"Maybe we should let Beta Patel take care of everything," the other girl suggested. 

"Please, its just one human. This place and all the other centers are full of them." 

"What are you getting at?" the ginger Natural's voice 

"Listen, she is alone. If we erase her records, it will be like she never came into the building," he huffed. "She'll just be a processing error---at most."

"You could never pull that off," the older female said."Besides Beta Patel has already seen her. Just imagine what he will do if she goes missing! He must have spoken with the other Betas by now or even the Alpha." 

"I'm not going to take heat for you, Argi." The youngest hissed.

"Fine your loss. I'm going to do what is best for our pack!

The door opened and closed a second later, no where near as quiet as earlier. I peered under my eyelids, the older Natural was alone. His hands were in his hair. I should be worried. He wants to get rid of me in some way. Not that I could run, I was unnecessarily over-restrained, nor could I have any hope of fighting. Naturals were so much stronger and faster than humans, and I was unnaturally weaken at the moment. 

He sighed and glared in my direction, then he left. I had hoped that meant that he gave up. He came back later with a tray full of liquid syringe dispensers. Unlike my Jell-O, these substances was dark blue. 

The moment I spotted it, he smiled, his crooked teeth flashing. This was how he was going to hurt me. My heart was racing but not out of fear but anticipation. I wanted whatever it was. That though is what scared me.

"Manu unknowingly sends his regards," Argi taunted. 

Manu, the Night child, the vampire that forced me to drink, it was his blood in the thick plastic syringe. I gagged at the memory, while apart of me, a small part, longed for the past feeling.

The Natural placed a large dark board over the two-way mirror. No one was going to see. No one would know to help.

You need to scream.

He approached me in quick, silent steps. His arms wrapped around my head and locked into place. I thrashed my hands and feet, clinking the cuffs against the bed railings. His hands wedged my lips and teeth apart. The one syringe in place, he pushed down on the plunger, the force cause my head to be squeezed. 

The taste was worse then I had remembered. I suddenly missed eating Jell-O. I didn't allow myself to swallow, ignoring the part that wished that I would. He resorted to covering my nose and mouth. 

I needed to breath. I could feel my pulse in my head and my vison was becoming blurry. Without thought, I gasped the blood down my throat. 

He released my mouth but not my nose and before I could get a decent lung full of air, there was another syringe. Then another, and another, and another. I felt sicker than ever. My eyelids dropped and I struggled to stay focused. Woozy, I noticed the lack of pressure around my head. The Natural was studying the bands and cuffs that kept me in place. The bands, he just ripped off with one hand. The cuffs were a different story. Those took a lot of his effort. 

I was soon freed of my bindings but unable to move. A fever started but i was too tired to roll up my sleeves as I had wished for on and off for so long. 

The beast let out a dark laugh at me. I could bring up any emotion on my part. I just stared up weakly as Argi pocketed the empty syringes. He stuck a head outside into the hall. The Natural then came back to my unmoving form. Arms went under my shoulders and knees, and I was being lifted. 

At each hallway, he would stop a second and if satisfied would continue on. Only once did he race into an empty room. Even I could hear the parade of humans being marched as they passed the hiding spot. I tried to moan out to them but my lips barley trembled before I was straining to breath again.

Back in the hallways, he made twists and turns that I couldn't comprehend. Was he avoiding Naturals or trying do something with his scent? With silent footsteps, ghost like, he advanced, pace picking up a set of double doors.

He halted at a loud set of bangs. The doors at the end of the hall shook but remained closed. The keypad at its side flashed bright colors. Alarms began to ring. Unclear, static voices yelled over the intercom. 

I became aware of the deep growls coming far away, best guess that it was on the other side of the doors. Or was the sound really that far away?

"Sir! You can't go back there! That's the infirmary!"

"You need to wait-"

"Please, let us-"

 The Naturals were shouting. That was bad but the thought hardly resonated with me.

Argi began to back up. I could feel his heart pick up its pace against my ear. After another thud against the door, He began to run. Then he tripped. I flew towards the ground too fast. The Natural was on top and he was heavy. I made a feeble attempt to move, out of reflex, than actually belief that I would be strong enough to get away.

I could hear the door give way to the rapid beast. Everything became so much louder: the shouting, the alarm, the growling. The last sounded so close. Argi tried to get up, to only slammed down on top of my back again. My breath was knocked out of me. Did I hear something crack?

He rolled off of me to the side and began to run in the same direction we had come from, leaving me behind. A large dark shape brought him back down to the earth a short few feet away. The creature bared its teeth right at the side of Argi's face. A set of hands gripped underneath my arms, but dropped me when the beast snarled in their direction. 

Others approached Argi and cuffed him. The beast approved of that choice of action. I was left sprawled on the linoleum. The cool tile helped with the fever sweat. I realized that my eyes had closed without my permission, when something wet dripped down onto my cheek. I fluttered them open with a struggle. On both sides of my head rested large dark paws. 

A deep growl sounded above me.

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