Chapter 8: First Fear

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Word on my laptop isn't working so bare with me on this. I don't prefer to write straight onto the website.

Chapter 8: First Fear

I was alone. I don't know how much time had passed, the lights in the room never turned off. Every once and a while, a Natural would come in. They would check my vitals with a disgusted look. I didn't know if it was because of the idea of babysitting a human or because they were told about what had happened in that dark room. They also had to spoon feed my Jell-O. It was mostly green with an odd metallic flavor much like pennies.

I was restrained to the hospital bed frame. Strange thick contraptions were on my wrists and ankles, what I guessed was the beast-proof version of handcuffs. Thick, pale white rubber bands pinned my upper legs and upper torso to the bed. I couldn't very much breath or move. My back felt sweaty and numb. 

Really, the whole of me felt sweaty. I felt so hot and wished my hands where free to roll up my pant legs and sleeves. But then I would be so cold and glad they weren't rolled up. The process kept repeating itself. I had asked a Natural caretaker to help with my clothing but she just glared at me and told me to "stop trying to trick her". I didn't get that. Much like I didn't get why I was by myself again.

The room was different than the isolation room I was placed into during processing. Obviously there was only a hospital bed in the middle of the room, but on the same wall as the door, there was a large reflective plane of glass. When I first saw it, I though it was a mirror, but the frame around it made me believe that it was actually a two-way-glass. I was being observed, but I still didn't get why.

The Natural that took me into that...dark room, seemed to be following some sort of train of thought to bring me to a vampire. So it couldn't be like I was the first human to, alba forced, to drink a vampire's blood without transitioning. But then why wasn't I taken back to the bunk room?

Why would there even be a vampire in the building? As far as I was aware, vampires weren't allowed into beast territories. Maybe that had changed? I'll have to ask that girl, Robin. 

My head was killing me. The pain wasn't even come from the back where I was hit. My thoughts were fuzzy with urgent thoughts I wasn't able to understand. In fact most of my body hurt. Still, I had this intense need to be up on my feet I could feel pulsing with very beat of my heart. 

A new Natural opened the door. My eyes glanced up to him. The Naturals that had been coming and going in my room I could recognize on sight. The tall ginger twenty-something, the squatty greying man, and the seeming middle aged women with a large facial mole. This natural was unfamiliar in everyway to me.

He wasn't like the guards, officials in the building, or any of my past Natural classmates. For one thing, He was taller than any Natural I have ever seen in person. Another was that his presences inspired outrageous fear than I had never had to deal with before. Most beast only made me feel a mixture of anger and worry. I tried to keep my eyes on him as he stood in the doorway but the keep going out of focused and I found myself staring at my stocking feet.

He walked further into the room. I unconsciously tried to move backwards, never mind forgetting I couldn't go anywhere. He was followed by a wild hair Natural I had seen in the medical side of the building from my first day. The wild hair Natural also filched away from the new beast. The room was small for one human, none the less two full grown beast, even with one being less grown as the other. 

"As you can see, the human is doing just fine. Her condition has improved-" The smaller male started. He stopped when the other Natural drew back his teeth.

"I wouldn't say that she is fine. This room smells vial of sweat and the scent of Night child lingers," His voice was gruff. 

"Yes, yes but had we not-" the medical Natural's own voice sounded so shill.

Was the wild hair Natural in charge of the building? He was just so...lacking compared to the brute a cross the bed from him.

"Had those humans been properly contained, you wouldn't have to stoop to ask Manu for help when he was supposed to be resting," His words were angry. "There shouldn't be an opportunity for there to be a fight."

His anger didn't seem to be directed my way, but I was scared shitless. 

"Yes, well had-"

"No, that was the last chance for this Re-educational center. I have warned you before, after each of your mistakes. And now," He turned his eyes to me.

I will not pee my pants. I will not pee my pants. I will not pee my pants.

"You have made an even bigger mess. Healing a human with Night child blood, when you yourself doesn't even know what will happen. This will not stand."

"But-But-But-Beta," The smaller natural stammered.

"I'll be Taking over this entire building," He said. "And I'm going to inform the Alpha."

The other Natural actually began to cry.

"Please, no! Beta Patel, please you don't know what he will do to me!" He sobbed.

He collapsed onto my legs. His heavy weight was bending them the wrong direction and I groaned. Everything ached and this feeble Natural was making it worse.

"I have an idea," the Beta said menacingly. "I imagine it would be about the same punishment that any future mate of this human would demand."

The Beta smiled. I had very seen such big teeth.

Guards came into the room, hauling the screaming Natural away. The Beta stayed.

I felt so cold, I started shivering under his gaze. He bent down to my level and laid on massive hand on my forehead. His fingers combed my hair back from my face. 

"Am I going to die?" I asked in a silent weak voice that I knew he could hear.

"I am to hope not," His own voice was still deep, but he spoke in a gentle whisper. "I would hate for any pack member to suffer from your loss."

He straighten back up, looking down at his hand. I could see it gleamed with my sweat but his face didn't change. He absently wiped it against his shirt and said his goodbyes. I was nauseated and comforted by his odd kindness. With the door shut and him gone, all the tense left my body. 

And so did all that Jell-O.

It tasted better the first time.

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