Chapter 14: Driving Lessons

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I just bombed a Chem exam so lets see how long I can go. Happy V-tines day. 

Chapter 14: Driving Lessons

"Turn right up-," a large green sign blurred pass "here." I sighed into my hamburger.

I had been assigned map duty since we were taking back roads that Manu was unfamiliar with. Not the only thing unfamiliar, the vampire had a serious need for speed. The car jolted harshly over potholes and uneven pavement. We were in search of an abandoned barn to ditch Manu's fancy sun proof car in favor of a less conspicuous mode of transport.

It appeared that the whole territory was on alert for a human girl attempting to travel outside the boundary, although it was suspected than she had been kidnapped. I had picked up this particular knowledge when Manu stopped for gas.

I had ran over to a old diner across the street for some quick burgers. Manu had informed me, should anybody ask that I was Hélène and he was Pierre. The backstory of a human and vampire traveling was based off a real fellow coven member that on occasions wondered into Natural territory. He had also handed me an exceptional wad of cash when he sent me on my way.

When I had walked through the door I was greeted by the sight of a fading 50's diner packed with Naturals. I edged around them to get to the counter and make my order. I got suspicious  glances for being human, that increased after I order a couple days worth of food to-go and produced the cash to back it up.

I then became surrounded by what I could guess were unmated Naturals. They asked a lot of questions with a too-interested looks on their faces. I had the details to back myself up when they mentioned my escape and the checkpoints set up on the main roads. They expressed the usual distain for humans beyond the fascination they showed for me. Must not get a lot of human around here. Or females. 

I had quickly grabbed my food and had sped walked back to Manu, engine already purring. The moment my butt was in the seat with the door closed, we were in motion. I attempted to fill him in, but he with his accursed hearing was aware of all the details. He leaned over to the dashboard and opened a compartment that held a map. 

"This looks promising, " I said, gesturing to a aged farming barn. "I don't know if there will be a car in there, but it looks like enough to cover this one."

In the human days, falling down barns were better to leave alone than to knock down. Over time they became safety hazards and no one would approach them. Usually, you could see evidence of them becoming nests for foxes. It just might work towards hiding the car and masking our scent from the Naturals.

Manu pulled off onto the gravel and drove up along the side of the barn not facing the road. There was a field a crossed it, full of swaying corn stalks. Manu's door clicked open without altering the overhead lights to come on. He turned to me.

"Stay here, I will return," he spoke at a normal volume, a normal volume for him. 

The door quietly clicked shut then I was alone. I hadn't been in the farming countryside for years and I realized that I had missed it.  Our cousins had a barn out of state with surroundings that resembled the outside of the car. Tall weed and grass grew wild, sudden tree lines that blended into the patchwork of fields, a star filled sky that lacked light pollution. The door clicked open again, Manu's head popping into the cabin.

"I believe that this location will suit. The is a residence up the road that has not seen persons in sometime," "There is a vehicle at our disposable as well."

Manu configured his car into the barn. I found a blue tarp to cover it with. Burger bag in hand, I prepared to follow the gravel road to the house. He stopped me with a hand on my shoulder, sending shivers through me, shaking it off. I turned to face him. He had a strained look upon his face.

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