Chapter 6 - I got a Girlfriend

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K.. So I hope you enjoy this chapter.. The beginning is a bit boring but there is a big surprise at the end! I love you guys.. whoever reads this really is a champ because I kinda suck at writing. I dedicate this chapter to.... 


Chapter 6

I broke out of my slumber by opening my eyes. I turned my eyes towards the alarm clock and saw that it was 8:40. I looked away from the clock before it clicked, I was late. I had never been late to class or anything for that matter. I threw my covers off and jumped out of bed finding a clean shirt in the mess. I started to walk out of my room, but I realized I wasn't wearing any pants. I quickly shut my door and dived into a pair of yoga pants.

I saw Betty as I walked out of my room and she chuckled. I glared back at her, but it's too hard to glare at someone while they're smiling back at you so I gave up. I grabbed an apple out of the fridge and a granola bar out of the cupboard. Threw the food in my backpack, and shoved my shoes on and started running getting stuck at the front door.

I threw the door open to see Ezra was walking up. He smiled and said, "Hi!" While I just glared and continued to run.

I was at the school in 2 minutes with 6 minutes to spare, and I headed to my first class which just so happened to be Math. As I walked to class I groaned and I heard someone behind me chuckle, so I looked behind me and saw Uriah. He was smiling, but as soon as I looked at him he stopped.

The rest of the day was terrible, so I'll continue to tell you why. Of course you already know I was late, but I realized Uriah wasn't laughing at me because I groaned but because my hair was going every which way. I had forgotten to do my hair. As I sat down Aurelia chuckled and told me how terrible I looked. I asked to go to the bathroom and I fixed my hair. Once I came out everyone was laughing and I didn't have any idea why. I looked down and saw that toilet paper was stuck to the bottom of my shoe. Toilette paper! Is this a freaking movie? I took it off and stormed away.

I got to my locker and there was Uriah and as soon as I got there his smile was once again wiped away. I scowled and said, "You know what! You being mad at me is not helping my mood, you have no idea how crappy my day has been and it is only second period. Yesterday, I didn't mean to smile at him. It was a reflex, an instinct. When someone smiles at you, it is normal to smile back. It's not my fault." I forced a smile at him and walked away, but someone's foot got in the way and tripped me.

I fell and got to my knees and burst into tears. I felt someone pick me up and they walked me into the janitor's closet. They turned to face me and it was Ezra. I pushed him away from me, and he looked hurt. "What did I do to make you hate me?" he said in a hushed tone.

"Everything, and now my friend that I just met two days ago hates me. Just leave me alone, thanks for your help, but I don't need it." I growled back.

"Uriah told you about what happened didn't he? Did he tell you that that was in Gr. 9? That I was a terrible kid back then, but I have changed? Did he tell you that she got a paternity test and the baby is not mine? She must've already been sleeping around. " He scowled and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

I fell to the ground again and continued to cry. I didn't really know what the reason why I was crying but, l cried anyway. I must've fallen asleep because someone opened the door and freaked out, waking me up. It happened to be the janitor, I asked him the time and he said, "You scared me! and it's 3:00."

"What!" I looked at him, and ran right past him at high speed. I now was going to be late for my first day of work!

I ran out of the school with my bag in hand and I once again was running. At least it wasn't away from anyone this time.

My day wasn't going too bad I guess because I was just on time for work. It was really easy work except so many of the kids from school came in making fun of what had happened with my hair or the toilet paper. My shift was finally over at 9:00 so I closed up the shop and found that someone was waiting for waiting for me.

"Hi" the shape says and I recognized his voice to be Uriah.

"Hi." I replied gruffly.

"I realize now that I was being unreasonable and I am really sorry for being a jackass. It was just that I told you a really personal thing about me and then you go smile at the guys I hate. It was dumb, but you have got to understand." He said pleading with me.

"I know how you feel. And I forgive you for being a dickhead. Umm I am going to say this and make things even more awkward than it already is. Here it is: I really like you and I don't really know you much but I really want to." I looked at him shyly and he looked shocked. He was speechless.

He just kept looking at me with awe and then he finally got to his senses. "I actually feel the same way about you. Actually from the first time I saw you which is so cliché. I didn't want to say this until I thought you would say yes. But I had no idea that you would say that before I asked you out. So I guess what I'm saying is," finally getting to the point, "Do you want to be my boyfriend?"

I burst out laughing and Uriah's face turned as red as a fire truck! As I was
Still laughing I choked out some words saying, "Yes Uriah! I would love to be your boyfriend." And I went into another fit of giggles.

"Kay, um... I feel like I should just walk away in embarrassment, but I like you so.... Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

I smiled and started to run saying, "only if you can catch me." I looked behind me and he looked shocked. I laughed and ran as fast as I could.

"I'm going to get you!" he said running as fast as he could start to catch up to me.

"You can't catch me I'm the gingerbread man." And then I cackle like a witch and started to laugh.

Not even ten seconds he caught me and we fell on someone's lawn. Uriah looked down at me. He happened to be on top of me. He was coming closer and closer. He was teasing me, keeping me in suspense. Finally he got to my lips and gave me a simple kiss. Soft and sweet.

He pulled away, but I just pulled him back. This kiss was different. It was passionate, and it was as if we couldn't get enough of each other. The light on the porch of someone's house came on and we abruptly pulled apart, out of breath, and with smiles on our faces.

Uriah quickly got off me and pulled me up. We continued to walk hand in hand just talking. I probably was smiling from ear to ear, I looked over at Uriah and I saw that he was doing the same.

We got to my house and we both didn't want to go anywhere, but I knew Betty would probably get worried because I didn't even tell her that I got a job. 

Before I left Uriah asked me how bad my day actually was and I told him all that had happened. We laughed and laughed about all of it. Then he kissed me goodnight, ugh I was floating on Cloud 9! This was not my first boyfriend, but it was probably the first nice one, who would never cheat on me. I opened the door and he turned around, but I ran to him and pulled his arm so he faced me and kissed him again. This time though it was a real kiss. "Bye girlfriend." I chuckled.

"You are never going to let me live that one down are you?" he laughed.

I responded by saying, "Nope." popping the p and leaving him just standing there looking at me with astonishment.

Boy was I going to have a good sleep tonight!

I came inside and Betty and Rick were sitting at the table just talking and eating cheerios. I started to laugh and they looked at me like I was crazy. I was the crazy one? What?

"Well, Destiny, you sure look chipper tonight... Wonder what just happened." Rick said suspiciously.

I gave up easily and told them about my whole day... by the time I was finished telling them I was wiped so I went to bed and crashed.

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