Twenty minutes later, I stepped out the shower and walked back into his room. When I walked back into his room I saw a purple " Just Do It" shirt, black skinny jeans and a pair of black grape 5's.

Once I was done putting on them on. I walked out the room and followed the sound of the tv. I walked across the hall to what seemed like the theater room. I saw he was watching some movie where, this little girl was just running around a play ground. She looked so beautiful. She couldn't be more than two years old and she looked exactly like him. She had his skin tone and his big grey eyes. I went to go sit next to him. When I sat down he cut the tv off, he stared at me while moving a piece a hair from in front of my face.

"You ready?" He asked.

"Yes." With that, he stood up and pulled me by my hand helping me get up. Once we went to the garage, he unlocked his platinum corvette.

* Drew P.O.V *

Since she is going to be staying with me I decided to take her to the mall. I wanted to spoil her today and buy anything she wants or could need. I plan on cuffing her someday but, not right now. As we pulled up to the mall, I noticed the look on her face.

"What's wrong ma?" I asked, turning her face towards me.

"I don't have any money."

"I got you." I got out the car and opened the door for her. As we were walking I interlocked our fingers so, that the rest of these niggas know what's up. I don't play when it comes to mine.

"What store do you want to go into first?"

"Umm, True Religion?" She asked

I nodded my head as we started walking towards the store. As we walked in and I saw this fine ass girl walking our way. She was thick in the waist and she looked like she could be Colombian or something.

"Hey, welcome to True Religion my name Kristin. Can I help you find anything?" She asked while eyeing me up and down. She was fine and if Destiny wasn't here I probably spit game but, she was looking extra thirsty and that shit was unattractive.

"Nah ma, we good."

"Ok, call me if you need anything." She she walked off swishing extra hard. I looked down to see that Destiny looking like she wanted to beat her ass. As we were looking around I noticed she didn't pick up anything.

"What's wrong ma?"


"Destiny what have I told you about that shit?" I mean she knows I don't like it, so why keep doing it?

"Sorry." She slowly looked up but still not looking at me.

"Why haven't you picked up anything?"

"I don't want to spend your money."

"Baby girl, what did I tell you in the car?" I said while looking her in the eyes.

"You got me." She repeated.

"What was that?"

"You got me." She said a little bit louder.

"Ok then, act like it." I walked over to pair of she was looking at. "Do you like these?" I asked  bringing them to her.

"Yes."  I handed them to her along with a couple of other things I saw her look at. When she was done picking out stuff I paid for it then we left.

*Destiny's P.O.V *

I was so surprised that he would spend his money on me. Last time someone did this for me, it was on my eighth birthday and my mom told me I could get anything I wanted from Claire's.

After we left Victoria Secret, Bath & Body Works and Charming Charlie's we decided to go to Foot Locker. When walked in a boy who looked about my age came over to us. He was lightskinned with brown eyes and waves.

"Hi, my name Jordan. How can I help you?" He asked, staring at me. I was feeling a little uncomfortable. He kept staring at me like I was a piece of meat. I felt Drew's arms wrap tighter around my waist.

"Aye B, do we have a problem?" Drew said while glaring at the guy.

"Nah, do we?"

"You see this right here? She is mine. I suggest you swerve with all that shit."

"Whatever man."  Before I knew it, Drew punched the dude in the face. They were going at it, pushing and throwing each other around the store. Even though Drew was winning, I was still afraid of him getting hurt. I grabbed his arm while he was about to punch him again.

"Come on Drew, let's go." I said trying to get him to move, but he didn't budge. I pushed him with all I could against the wall and kissed him. At first he didn't kiss me back but, then he gave in.

"Let's go." I said and this time with tears running down my face.

"I'm sorry baby girl." He wiped my face then he took my hand and we walked out the mall.

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