I did as I was told feeling miserable. Vomit was all down the front of my shirt it made me cry harder.

"Honey don't worry about it. Here let's get it off. I'll go get you one of my t-shirts okay?"

He pulled the gross one off me and left to get a clean one. I started throwing up again. There wasn't much on my stomach though so I just miserably dry heaved.

Daddy handed me the water cup again when I finished and put the clean shirt on me.

"Nooo. Hot!" I complained

"You gotta stay dressed baby. You'll probably get chills soon. Now I'm going to go change the sheets so you can get back into bed."

Daddy left. I sat miserably on the floor watching him. As soon as he left for the laundry room I threw up again.

"Make it stop!" I cried to daddy as he came back in.

"I would if I could baby. There's not much that can be done for the flu. Here let me take your temperature."

Daddy did sticking it under my armpit.

"102. I'll have to keep an eye on you. At least you have doctor daddy here to take care of you right?"

I nodded weakly.

Daddy put new sheets on the bed and got a bucket to put at my side. Then he came and set me down. He let me pick another show though I didn't get to watch any of it as I threw up every 15 minutes.

Finally after an hour I was able to settle down.

"Daddy I cold now" I said in a mumble. Everything hurt.

Daddy snuggled me into his arm and pulled the covers around me.

"You're still so warm baby girl. Here I'm going to give you a little liquid Tylenol. Maybe it'll stay down."

"No. Yucky. Hurt tummy" I said trying to move away.

"No it'll be good for you baby. It'll help you."

I tried to protest, but daddy managed to get it in me.

I whined and cried.

"I know baby. I'm sorry I wish I could make you better. Try and get some sleep when you can."

Daddy played with my hair calming me down.

I turned my head so I was listening to his heart and fell asleep.

*****Thomas's Point of View*****

My poor baby lay shivering in my arms, but her skin burned me. I hoped the Tylenol stayed down and started working soon.

I didn't even know where she could have picked the flu up at. Maybe the park yesterday, because that's the only place we've been in the last few days.

She seemed to be out cold. I went to go check on the laundry and use her bathroom, leaving mine open for her. I grabbed cleaning supplies and started scrubbing down her room. Stripping her bed and disinfecting everything.

I sprayed disinfectant around the house like it was an air freshener.

An hour passed so I checked on Aza. She was still sound asleep, but had kicked the covers off and had sweat dripping down her face. I got out the thermometer and placed it at her temple. It read 103. Shit the Tylenol wasn't working. If it got higher I would have to take her to the hospital so they could do an IV to keep her hydrated.

I got the liquid ibuprofen down and sucked some up in a syringe. I gently squirted some in her mouth. She was so out of it she didn't even stir.

I knew she might wake up soon though and didn't want her to be alone when she did. So I set up my laptop at my desk and did some work.
*****Azalea's Point of View*****
I woke up cold again, with no covers on. I was too weak to do anything so I just cried. I didn't see daddy and that made me more upset. As soon as I cried though he came over from his desk. I calmed down knowing he had stayed with me.

"Daddy cold" I said not wanting to form complete sentences.

Daddy put a sheet on me. Sweat still dripped from my skin despite my coldness.

"Lets take your temperature again," he said.

I whined not wanting to move, but daddy had gotten down his professional thermometer that scanned the temple so I didn't really have to move.

"102. Well it's still high but it's going down at least. How's your tummy feel?"

"Yucky. Hurts still" I said putting my hands over it. I then felt an urge and threw up into the bucket on the side. It came out my nose and mouth and I felt like I couldn't breathe. I started freaking out.

Daddy remained calm for me and started singing. I loved his singing voice I wish he would do it more.

It took me a moment but I realized he was singing a song Alex used to sing to me when I was little. It calmed me down instantly. Once the vomiting stopped daddy wiped my face and pulled me into his chest continuing to sing. He kissed the top of my head.

That's how the rest of the night went. Daddy cuddling and singing to me when I woke up.

I was sick all thought the night. I could tell daddy was so tired, but he always woke up when I did to take care of me.

I have the best daddy ever.
Awe aren't they cute? This was kind of just a filler chapter. I had writers block and didn't know what I wanted to do next, but I have a direction now. It's gonna get a little dark. I've been struggling with issues and bringing them to the light and so I'm going to reflect them into Aza.

Love Yourself: Little Azalea's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now