Chapter 30

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*****Thomas's Point of view*****
My 5am alarm went off way too soon. I trudged out of bed and headed to the shower.

It was midnight before Aza finally went to bed. It killed me making her sleep in her own bed, but I needed to stick to the rules and consequences.

Since I had to go in early we had to leave earlier than normal. My goal was to keep Aza asleep as long as possible. Amarie did not need a tired cranky little. I would already have to warn her about Aza falling into such a young head space the past few days. I don't know if it'll be something to stay or if something is bothering her that'll just appear when she's upset.

I could tell she just wanted to be with me. We hadn't gotten to see each other much since my schedule got crazy. I hoped that was all that was stressing her out and making her anxious. I wanted to ask her, but she was either too little or seemed to be acting up so I didn't get a chance.

I finished up my shower. I had 45 minutes to get myself and Aza ready and out the door. I quickly got dressed and ready then went to Azas room.

My little girl looked so cute cuddle up around her pillows and stuffies. Her pacifier had fallen out and her thumb was in her mouth.

I wanted to move her as little as possible. So I packed a bag with a change of clothes. I grabbed some shorts to quickly slip on Aza. Since I would be carrying her I just put her shoes in her bag.

5:55 am said the clock on her nightstand. I scooped her up. She stirred a little.

"Daddy?" She mumbled

"Hey baby. Go back to sleep" I prayed she would.

"Mmmk" she said dropping her head back down. She was out cold. I grabbed her pacifier and headed to the car.

30 minutes later we pulled into Sam's driveway. Aza stayed asleep the whole car ride. She didn't even stir when I lifted her from the car.

Sam greeted us at the door opening it for me.

"Morning Sam. How's it going?" I asked.

"Not bad. We had a little bit of a rough night with Ben, he was up way too late and we had to get up way too early. Amarie is still sleeping in while Ben is. They're in our bed so you can go put Aza down in there if you want."

"I had the same problem with Aza last night. She didn't go down until midnight and I had to get up at 5. I was hoping to talk to Amarie and give her a heads up that all weekend Aza was in a really small headspace and very clingy. She was more around 1 or 2. Also more bratty. Lots of spankings were given over the weekend," I said following Sam to the bedroom.

Amarie was asleep in the middle with Ben on her left. I lay Aza down on the right. She was still sound asleep. I gave her a quick kiss and slipped back out.

"Any idea why she was acting that way?" Sam asked.

"Well I know it was partly due to not seeing me much and I think that was causing her anxiety. I think that sent her into a deeper little space maybe. But I haven't gotten a chance to talk to her about it," I said walking to the car.

Sam followed. He and I were carpooling today.

"Hmm well I'll text Amarie and give her a heads up about her behavior. It could be she's getting more comfortable with herself and she is a younger little than you thought."

"That was another thought I had," I said in agreement.

"I just hope for her sake she doesn't act up with Amarie today. She's a cranky momma on little sleep" Sam said with a chuckle.

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