Chapter 15

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Thomas's point of view
Aza was asleep in no time. I just wanted to hold her forever. And man I wanted to kiss her so bad earlier in her room. I could tell she was disappointed when I didn't. But I wanted out first kiss to be romantic and perfect.

I also wanted to rip down her pants after spanking her and feel how wet she got from it. I wanted to taste her with my tongue and make her beg me to cum.

I wanted to fuck her in the shower so bad too.

I also didn't want to rush things. I don't want her to stay in this with me just for sex. I want her to know I care for her and love her. Even though I can't say I love you to her yet. I've know I loved her since I was 22. But her being 16 was way too young and out of the question. I got Alex's permission to ask her out after she turned 18 and was almost 19, but she got with that asshole Collin before I could.

I waited for her to see how bad he was. But when it appeared that would never happen, I decided to move on. For 3 years I made sure no relationship would work, because I just wanted to be with Aza. Not that any of the other relationships would have worked out.

So many times I watched her go through pain because of that jerk. I wished I could have been the one comforting her.

Sometimes I even wished I could have spanked her. So many times she would yell at Alex or disrespect him. I knew what was going on though. She just wanted to be a kid and wanted to feel like someone cared enough about her to set boundaries for her. Her parents sure never did.

Well I was going to now. Even if she left me in 5 weeks, hating me and this lifestyle. I learned by the time I was 18 a 'normal' relationship wouldn't make me happy. Bdsm was nice, but this was nicer. I tried not getting my hopes up either, even though I knew I was. 5 weeks was a long time for her to decide she didn't want to do this anymore. That's why I don't want to do anything sexual till she makes her decision. I was definitely going to kiss her soon though. That's part of my plan for tomorrow.

The clock read 12 am. I wanted to be shopping by 8. Better get some sleep. I might need my patience and energy keeping up with my girl tomorrow.


7am came earlier than I wanted it to. I was actually debating on going back to sleep, but I heard Aza getting up and ready.

"Come on daddy no snoozing. It's time for shopping" she said jumping on me.

Oh god I hope she didn't feel my morning wood that would be awkward.

"How come when I want you to get up during the week you try and snooze, but now I don't get to?" I asked her pulling her off me and to the side cuddling her.

"Because you said you'd buy me stuff today and I'm excited! No one's ever really taken me to shop and buy me stuff."

The way she said it made me sad for her. Of course no one's done something like this for her before. It was cute how excited she was.

"Alright fine I'm up. Let me go shower. You go get dressed. Then we can go. Well grab breakfast at the mall how does that sound?"

Her eyes lit up with excitment. She hobbled on her crutches as fast as she could to her room.

I went to take a quick shower and wake up. And get rid of my boner.

10 minutes later I was done. I wrapped my self in my towel then walked into my room for my clothes.

As I opened my closet door I heard giggling. I decided I better check on my girl and make sure she got dressed.

Walking in I see her in her underwear but laying on the bed watching a video on her tablet.

"Aza come on get dressed" she jumped at my voice. Noticing me in just my towel she started blushing. Her eyes scanned me over and she bit her bottom lip. "Dressed. Now." I said.
She started moving to put clothes on. So I went back to my room and got dressed. 10 minutes later I went back to her room to see her finally fully dressed and ready.

"Let's go kiddo!" I said picking her up to carry her down stairs. I placed her in the backseat of the car and drove to the special mall I had I'm mind.

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