Chapter 10

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Aza's point of view
I woke up sucking on a pacifier. It was oddly satisfying. Then I noticed I was drenched in sweat. The alarm said 8am. Only 2 hours ago I had taken medicine and gone back to sleep. Thomas gently laid next to me still asleep. I had woken him up twice during the night from the pain. I didn't want to wake him up again, but I really needed to pee and wanted a shower.

Stupid cast and sling. How was I supposed to shower. At least maybe I could get up and go pee.

Throwing the cover over, I realized I didn't have my crutches. Well looks like I'll have to hop. I hold onto the bed and hop to the end. However there was nothing else for me to grab onto. Alright I can make it. The bathroom door isn't that far.

I take one hop and fall straight on my face. Luckily I leaned away from the left side, but it still hurt.

"Aza what happened" Thomas asked picking me up.

"I wanted to go to the bathroom without waking you up, but I didn't have crutches so I tried to hop and then I fell" I tried not to cry but I was so overwhelmed at being helpless.

"Honey it's okay," He said picking me up rubbing my back. He got me on the toilet and went to the shower. He put a chair in there then went and got a plastic bag. He came and put the plastic bag around my cast.

"Here you go you can take the sling off for the shower." He said removing my sling then he went to grab my shirt off. I grabbed his hand and told him no.

"Honey it's okay. You need a shower and you need help" he reassured me. I still fought him. I didn't want him seeing me naked.

"Don't you want a nice warm shower? Get all nice and smelling good?" He said.

I nodded yes.

"Then let me undress you and help you in the shower."

"No I wanna do it" I said in protest.

"Alright you can do it. If you need help I'll be right outside the door." He said getting up to leave.

I lifted the bottom of his shirt. I got it over my right side but it was hard to use the left. I struggled for a few minutes then finally got it off. Using my legs I worked the underwear off the right side but they got caught around my cast. I tried leaning down and wiggling them off around the cast and almost fell off the toilet. I caught myself with my left arm and cried out in pain, but I did it.

Using the counter I got off the toilet and hobbled to the tub.

Pulling the chair as close as I could I tried to sit backwards, but ended up falling into the tub.

"Ow" I said hoping Thomas didn't come running in to help me. I tried sitting myself up, but I couldn't do it the way I was wedged, my right arm was pinned down between the tub and the chair.

"UGH" I exclaimed. I didn't want to admit I was right, but I couldn't stay like this either.

"Tommy.....i need help please" I grumbled.

He came in immediately. He must have been waiting right outside the door. He didn't say anything just smiled at me and picked me up. He placed me on the chair and started the water.

He just left me there and let me sit under the water for a few while he went and got me some shampoo and body wash that wasn't old spice, and a fluffy yellow towel.

"Which one do you want to use?" He asked showing me 3 bottles of shampoo: grape, strawberry, and a green apple

"Green apple!" I said excited. It was my favorite type of shampoo. He squirted some in his hands and started rubbing it in my hair. I had to admit it felt really relaxing. After rinsing it out he put conditioner in then started to scrub my body with a body wash I picked out. I was so relaxed I didn't even mind that his hands were washing all over my body. It just felt good to be cleaned and pampered.

When I was all rinsed he wrapped me in the towel and carried me across the hall into my room. I hadn't been in here since the tour, but I saw he put my stuff out. I immediately went under my covers and hid under there naked, loosing my towel.

This was my happy place. Hiding under my covers. I never wanted to come out.

"Aza what are you doing silly girl. Let's get clothes on and go eat breakfast," he said chuckling at me.

"No I wanna be naked in my bed" I said trying to hide deeper under the covers. Unfortunately it didn't work.

"Come on" He said lifting me out. I gave him my best pout.

"Oh come on now no pouting you can snuggle in your bed for a nap later. We need to eat and I want to go over rules with you."

I let him dress me as I wondered what the rules would be. He put me in my space kitty t shirt and some loose sweat pants. He went and got my sling and helped me put it on. Then he brushed out my hair...oh how relaxing that was! Then carried me down stairs.

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