Chapter 12

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"Aza wake up. We need to get you dressed, get breakfast and get to work" Thomas said shaking me.

"Nooo. I wanna sleep." I said curling back over in my bed. Last night Thomas put me to sleep in my bed. While I loved sleeping while my comforter and pillows, I did miss him being right there next to me. I had to hug my body pillow last night and pretend it was him to get to sleep.

"Let's wash your face and get you dressed." He said.

"And lemme pee" I said.

"Yes of course" He said chuckling.

He carried me into the bathroom, I snuggled into his chest...his bare chest. Helloooo. I'm definitely awake now. I really wanted to bite his pecks, but restrained myself.

15 minutes later I was sitting at the table eating chocolate cereal with bananas and strawberries in it. Yummy. After brushing my teeth and putting on shoes we were reading to head to work.

I was a little nervous to do such intensive therapy. I thought these things only lasted an hour. Once a day. But 4 hours. Thomas said it would hopefully let me be mostly healed by the end of the week or next week, if I worked really hard.

I wanted to work hard. I wanted to use my crutches and have both arms again.

Pulling up to the hospital we parked in a spot that said "Reserved for Dr. Thomas Carter."

"Oooh big shot with a fancy spot" I said teasing him. He stuck his tongue out at me!

"Be nice missy or I won't let you have your surprise." He said back.

"Oooh a surprise! What is it?" I asked.

"If I told then it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?" He said helping me out of the car. He had a nurse waiting for us with a wheel chair.

He helped me sit in it then wheeled me up to the 3rd floor where the physical therapy ward was.

Coming into the door, Thomas checked me in. Immediately a doctor appeared.

"Hey Thomas. This your new girl you were telling me about?" The man asked.

"Yep this is Azalea. Make sure you take good care of her. Make her work hard too." Daddy said giving me a wink.

I waved at the doctor hesitantly. He seemed friendly. He was tall, skinny. Dark skin, black hair and a scruffy beard. His eyes had a friendliness to them.

"This is my friend and colleague Dr. Montgomery" Thomas said.

"Hi Azalea. Thomas here told me what happend, with your wreck. I personally wanted to be the one to help you. He sure helped me when I needed it. You can call me Sam," He said shaking my hand.

That made me giggle.

Thomas whispered in my ear.

"Just incase it comes out I want you to know that Sam is into this life style as well. He knows about dd/lg and how we are trying it. In fact he has a little he is going to bring and meet so you have a friend."

I felt my cheeks blush even deeper that this doctor knew what was going on. But I was excited for a possible friend.

"Alright I'm going to work. I'll come get you on my break at 10 and take you to my office. Be good and work hard sweetie" He said kissing my forehead then leaving.

"Let's get to work!" Sam happily said.

By the end of my therapy I was so sore. I had to work all of my body that I could. I was sweaty and tired. My 12 o'clock nap couldn't come sooner.

Sam wheeled me to the front desk where Thomas was.

"How'd she do Sam?" He asked smiling and coming over to place his hands my shoulders.

"She did really well. She worked hard and followed all directions. I think she really can be ready to get out of the sling by the end of the week." He said

I smiled at his praise and at the pride in Thomas's eyes.

"Here wanna get something from the prize box" Sam whispered like it was a big secret.

I nodded yes and he brought over the pirate chest. Looking around at all the options I squealed when I found a little plastic duck dressed as a doctor.

"Look daddy is you as a duck!" I exclaimed. I blushed realizing what I said outloud.

"That's great sweetie. Good choice" He said.

He and Sam didn't say anything about my comment they both acted like it was normal. Which I guess for them it is.

"Bye Sam see you at 3" Thomas said wheeling me out to his office. His office was down on the first floor closer to the ER.

"So how was PT?" He asked

"Super hard! Sam made me do so much with my arms. And my legs. And even my stomach and neck! I'm pooped" I said.

"Well lucky for you I've got a tablet all set up for you at my desk. I'd let you lay on the couch, but I'm afraid you'll fall asleep on me." He said as he opened the door.

His office was decent sized. There was a couch to the left when you walked in. A long bookcase along the left wall. A long window with a fantastic view of the city. Then his desk with a computer was in front of the window. A big black leather spinny chair sat at the desk. Two black chairs sat in front of it. Shelves lined the right wall. The walls were a light cream white, with grey carpet.

"I have to go back to work. This door on the right leads to my private bathroom. The tablet is all set up, I set the parental mode so you'll be restricted to certain things, but you can add games and apps or watch Netflix or surf the web. Here's a container of fruit if you're hungry for a small snack, and a water bottle. If you need me push this yellow button on the phone; it will page me and I'll come back if I can or send someone to check on you. See you in an hour sweetie." He said moving the chair and wheeling my wheel chair to the desk. He kissed the top of my head and gave me a hug. I hugged him back before settling in on Netflix.

The hour passed quickly. Thomas came back in in what seemed like only 5 minutes of being away.

"Alright kiddo. Ready for lunch?"

"Yes! My tummy has the rumblies!" I exclaimed making him laugh.

"Well good. Cause here is where you get your surprise!" He then pulled out a bag of Mexican food.

"Pollo Con Queso!! My favorite! Thank you!" I told him digging into my container.

"You're welcome baby. Don't get used to this though, we won't eat greasy food like this all the time. It's just an every now and then treat" He told me.

"Well I love it..daddy. It's my favorite."

He took a moment and just smiled at me between bites. After swallowing his food he told me, "you're my favorite" adding a wink at the end.

I just blushed and ate my food.

The rest of lunch we talked about our days. When 11:55 rolled around Thomas gave me medicine, had me go to the bathroom then laid me on his comfy couch. He gave me my stuffed elephant and wrapped me in my owl blanket.

"I'm going back to work, but page me if you need me. Have sweet dreams baby. I'll be back at 2 for a quick break and to wake you up." I was barely conscious enough to say see you later. I didn't even hear the door close as he left.

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