Chapter 32

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"Wake up Aza. Time to go to your doctor's appointment." Amarie said sitting me up. I just realized I'd been in my pjs all day.

"Is Ben up?" I asked.

"Not yet he didn't quite go to sleep as fast as you did so I thought I'd let him sleep a little and get you ready first."

"Can I wake him up? I wanna tell him I'm sorry and be friends with him again."

"That's great Aza. You can come with me to wake him up. We'll make sure he isn't still cranky. Let's get all these tangles out of your hair though. Let him sleep longer."

Amarie made my hair very cute. She put it in two French braids and put bows in my hair. With my white shorts and blue elephant t-shirt I really looked to be about 4. I loved it. Looking in the mirror I also hoped that this would be the last time I would use my crutches and see my cast.

"Alright cutie let's go get Ben up. We need to leave in about 40 minutes to make your appointment in time."

I followed Amarie over to Bens room.

She gently went and shook him. He sat up gently running his eyes.

"Hey baby boy. Aza wants to talk to you. Are you ready to talk to her?" Amarie asked him. He nodded yes so I climbed up on his bed.

"I'm sorry" we both blurted out. We smiled and hugged each other. I was glad we weren't fighting anymore.

Amarie left to go get Ben some clothes.

"I am really sorry I said you were a baby. You're not a baby, not matter how much you use a pacifier. I just didn't understand why you wanted to use it so much more now than before."

"I don't know why either. It just makes me feel better. I keep finding myself being smaller whenever I get too anxious" I said to him.

Just then Amarie came back in. I left the room so Ben could get changed in private.

"You guys start cleaning up the room as fast as you can. I'm going to gather your stuff up Aza and then we'll all go."

We cleaned the room up and were in the car in 20 minutes.

Once at the hospital daddy and Sam were waiting for us.

"Daddy!" I screamed and unbuckled.

"Aza the car is still moving do not unbuckle! Do not open your door until I tell you to."

I sat back down I just got excited. Daddy came and opened my door. He hugged me and gave me a kiss.

"Hi cutie how are you? Were you a good girl today?" Daddy asked.

"Im good daddy, better now that I see you." I said purposely not answering the if I was good question.

"You didn't answer me little girl. Were you good or not?" He demanded to know. He made me look him in the eyes.

"No," I mumbled quietly, "Ben and I got mad at each other when we were playing. He got in my face and called me a baby and I got mad and pushed him."

"Azalea Rose you know better than to push people" Daddy said scolding me.

"It was the second time it happened today. The first time Ben woke her up from sleeping so I let it go and warned them both to play nice, because he also got mean with her before that happened. Then they were playing in Ben's room. Got mad over wanting to play different games. Ben called her a baby for using her pacifier more and Aza got mad he was in her face and pushed him. So they each got ten swats and 20 minutes in time out. They wouldn't apologize until after a 2 an a half hour nap. But now everything is okay," Amarie said filling in Sam and daddy.

"Amarie was right to spank you Aza. That was not acceptable behavior. I don't want to hear of it happening again. Do not push people just because you're mad. Be a big girl and use your words." Daddy said scolding me some more.

I hung my head and looked away from him. His stare made me feel ashamed. I felt bad I disappointed him.

"Come on chickadee, say goodbye and let's go to your appointment."

We said our goodbyes. Sam left with Amarie and Ben so it was just daddy and me. He set me down to walk.

"How did your day go daddy? Did you get the new job?" I asked him hoping he said yes. We had talked and I knew it was what he really wanted. It would be better for both of us.

"It was a really good day babygirl. I was going to save the news for over dinner, but since you asked, yes I did get it! They normally wait and discuss longer, but they really wanted me. I get to start tomorrow."

"Yay! I'm so happy and proud of you daddy" I told him hugging him.

"Thanks love," he said giving me a quick kiss.

Just then the nurse stepped out and called me back.

An hour later my cast was being cut off.

"I'm free!!" I said when it finally came off. I scratched my leg like I'd never scratched it before.

The doctor gave me a walking boot too. I just had to wear it during the day. I could take it off when I wasn't doing too much on my leg. I just needed to wear it for a week.

Thomas and I walked to the car. I was so excited not to walk with crutches. I just wanted to run and skip and twirl.

"Azalea stop come take my hand we're in a parking lot."

I was having too much fun to listen though.

I twirled some more and went to take a leap when I felt my arm grabbed.

Daddy yanked me back to him and smacked my butt just as a car was backing out.

"Azalea you need to pay attention you almost got hit by that car! I'm sorry I smacked your butt, but you scared me. And listen. When daddy says to do something you do it."

Tears formed in my eyes. I was scared I almost got hit by a car. And embarrassed daddy smacked my butt in public. I understood why he did though. He just wanted me safe.

"Come on bug let's go celebrate your cast coming off with some ice cream at the mall."

"Really?? Before dinner we can have icecream?!" I was really excited.

Daddy laughed at me. "Yes baby. Just as a special treat."

"We gotta celebrate your new job too daddy" I said. I didn't want him to forget how proud I was of him.

We pulled into the special mall. I got really excited. Maybe daddy would let me get a toy too. As soon as the car parked I raced out towards the doors.

I didn't get very far before daddy caught up to me and again smacked my butt.

"Azalea! Are you supposed to take off like that?"

He was really mad. I couldn't speak so I just shook my head no.

"Now I want us to have and be able to have this treat, but if you don't listen and act on your best behavior we will just go home. One more toe out of line and I will take us home. That's two spankings you've gotten from me in a short time plus the spanking from Amarie earlier. I suggest you don't go for anymore, because you won't like it. I promise you that."

I started crying. I was sad I disappointed daddy again. Today was turning out to not be a good day.

"Im sorry daddy" I said between sobs, "I don't mean to be bad."

"You gotta think before you act baby. It's okay. You know I love you."

"I love you too" I said still sobbing.

"Come on baby let's dry those tears and go eat some ice cream."

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