Chapter 38

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I got new everything! A new mattress and bed frame, and a new dresser. I felt so giddy. I couldn't believe it. Daddy had the workers pack everything up to be delivered to the house since it wouldn't all fit in the car.

"Alright Aza one more thing I want to get you. New bedding. I know you love your zebra one, but it's falling apart."

"No I don't want new bedding. I can't sleep without my zebra one." I said starting to panic. It was special to me.

"Aza let's just see what we can find. You might like something new."

"No!" I said accidentally very loudly. I didn't mean to. I just really didn't want new bedding.

"Sorry daddy. I just don't want new stuff."

"Aza what is the deal on this. Why are you so against it?" Thomas asked stopping the cart to look at me.

"Alex gave it to me. It was the last thing he got me before the accident" I replied trying not to cry. I missed Alex so much. He was my protector, best friend, and the only one who knew what pain I went through cause he went through it too.

"At night when I sleep with my zebra blanket its like he's there with me still keeping me safe," I finished saying.

"Aza baby. I'm sorry I didn't realize that. I understand why you want to keep it, but it is falling apart and soon it won't be able to be used. Alex will always be with you. It doesn't matter what stuff you use. You don't use it when you sleep with me do you?"

I hadn't thought about that before.

"Well no...thats because I feel safe with you."

"Right baby. You're with me now. I won't let anything bad happen to you. I'll always keep you safe. Even in night's when you sleep in your own bed."

I thought about what he said and knew he meant it.

"Now baby if you really don't want new bedding I won't push it, but I really think you should get something new. We won't throw away the zebra bedding, but this way you can switch them out so it doesn't fall apart."

I was still hesitant.

"At least look baby. You might find something you like"

"Okay fine I'll look" I finally said.

We walked to the bedding section.

I looked around not really seeing anything I liked.

Thomas tried to point things out, but I wasn't liking any. Until we turned the corner. This side had more little girl styled things. And then I found it.

"Daddy!" I said running and grabbing it.

It had an elephant on it with circles in pink, light blue, gray and white. The pink matched the colors of my walls.

"This one please daddy!" I exclaimed.

"That's a great choice princess. It'll look great in your room. Ya know, I saw some curtains and a rug that would go good with this. Oh and we could get you a self for the cube organizers and some cute cubes to put on it."

"Daddy I think you like this more than I do." But I had to admit I was excited by it too.

"I love making you happy baby," he replied giving me a kiss on the nose.

Another 45 minutes later and we had a cart full of stuff. Pinks, light blues, grays and whites filled the cart. We went to walk out of the store. The way to the car led right past a toy shop.

"Daddy! Toys pweeeaaaassse" I said begging. I know I got a lot today, but toys!

"You've been really good today so you can get one toy."

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