Chapter 21

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Azalea's point of view
Daddy and I were in the car driving to Sam's house. He said he didn't want me spending all day alone in his office; especially since I'm getting more into my little space lately. I was a little nervous, but daddy thought I'd be best friends with Ben (Sam's little) in no time. I hoped I'd get along with Amarie, Sam's wife, too. She would be babysitting me while daddy worked.

New people kind of scared me. And what if she was strict?

"Honey I know your nervous, but there's no need to be. Remember how nervous you were about coming to live with me? And how that turned out okay?" Daddy grabbed my hand from my mouth, were I was chewing on my nails, and kissed the back of my hand before settling it down. He didn't let go for the rest of the ride.

We pulled up to a ranch style house. They had closer neighbors than daddy and I did, but not close enough for them to be nosing into everything.

Parking the car daddy helped me get out and I walked with my crutches up to the front door with him.

"Can I ring the bell?" I asked

Daddy nodded so I eagerly pushed it.

Sam came and greeted us, "Well if it isn't my favorite patient!" He said with a warm smile. "Please come in! Take your shoes off here by the door please"

After removing shoes daddy and I follows Sam into the living room.

"Amarie is just finishing up in the kitchen she should be here in a moment." Just then a beautiful women with dark skin came walking in.

"Hello princess. I'm Amarie." She said giving me a smile, and placing her hand out for me to shake. This women had a very warm smile and smooth voice. She seemed nice. I shook her hand. Just then a boy came bouncing into the living room.

"Hi! I'm Ben! I hope we can be friends!" He eagerly stated.

His enthusiasm caught me off caught and I found myself hiding behind daddy.

"Ben calm down you're going to scare the poor girl" Amarie said pulling him back to her.

"Sorry mommy, I'm just excited to meet my new friend. Can we go play in my room?" He asked.

"Well you'll have to ask her if she wants to play. This is all new to her so she may want to stick close to her daddy for a bit."

Ben eagerly came back to peek at me behind daddy. "Wanna play? I can show you my new town set I got. It's got a train station and lots of different cars!"

Boy this boy was excitable.

"Its okay Aza you can go play. I'll be right out here" daddy said.

He moved me out from behind him. The town set did sound cool.

"Come on this way!" Ben said bouncing down the hallway.

I giggled and decided to follow him hobbling along on my crutches.

"Wait for me!"

He stopped and smiled at me before talking a mile a minute.

"Here this is my room look!" He said. Opening the door his room looked like a poster for toy world.

"Wow how did you get so many toys?!" I asked in amazement.

"Christmas, birthday, being good," He said.

"My daddy let me get some new toys, but nothing like this" I said in amazement.

"You'll get there! Your daddy loves you. I can tell by the way he looks at you. Trust me he'll be spoiling you before long. So what is your favorite movie? Color? Toy? What's your head space?"

"Whoa so many questions" I said.

"Sorry. Mommy and daddy say I need to work on that. I'm just eager, I've not met many other littles. The only other main one in my parents close circle is the daughter of Al. Her name is Amanda and she's horrible!" He told me.

"Al the restaurant owner? I met him last night. He told my daddy I should meet Amanda. How's she horrible?"

"She's a controlling brat. She wants everything her way. Even playing. If you do one wrong thing she freaks out and tells her daddy I'm not playing right then I get punished. I hate her."

"Oh no I don't wanna play with someone like that. I like creativity!" I said.

"Me too! I hope we get along with each other!"

I smiled. Ben was really friendly.

"Oh so to answer your questions. Um favorite movie Tangled or Moana. Favorite color-hot pink, but I like multicolored stuff. Favorite toy, baby dolls or my stuffed animal. And my head space is still developing. Daddy told someone the other day he though around 5. What's yours?" I asked.

"Movie-Big hero 6
Color- Blue
Toy- my toy town set
Head space- 4-6. Now let's play!" He said.

I lost track of time. We had so much fun playing and just relaxing.

Amarie came in the doorway with daddy.

"Hey cuties having fun?" She asked.

"Yes I love Azalea! She's so much fun!" He said hugging Amarie.

"Yea Ben is fun too!" I said hugging daddy.

"Good. I'm glad you two are having fun. Now let's go eat. We're having hamburgers and hot dogs" Amarie said carrying Ben.

I wanted to be carried too. So I held my arms out to daddy.

"Does someone want to be carried?"

I nodded yes and he scooped me up.

"So you really like Ben?" Daddy asked.

"Yes! He's nice. He makes me miss Camryn though." I said laying my head on his shoulder.

"Well we can invite her over sometime. That won't be an issue."

"Yay" I said.
After dinner daddy and Sam went to go look at some stupid car Sam was building.

"Alright kiddos just us. Wanna play a game?" Amarie asked.

"Yes! Life!" Ben and I said together. We just looked at each other and giggled.

After the game Ben and I were both sleepy. Of course we wouldn't admit it though. I had had fun with these two and was excited to be able to come and play with them during the days.

"Let's go watch some tv and lay on the couch," Amarie said.

Getting us settled and clicking on a cartoon. She went to go see what daddy and Sam were up to.

5 minutes later she came back.

"Oh those boys and their cars," she said chuckling.

Sitting between us on the couch she scooted both of our heads onto her lap and played with our hair.

I tried watching the cartoon and staying awake, but after playing hard with a new friend I ended up out in just a few minutes.

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