Chapter 14

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During dinner Thomas and I laughed and talked about our days. When we were finished he loaded everything up into the dishwasher. I just sat watching him.

I couldn't help but stare at him. He was so sexy.

Getting lost in my thoughts of things I wish I could do to him. I didn't even hear him ask me a question.

"Azalea!" He said grabbing my attention

"Yes daddy" I said blushing

He just gave me a smile and shook his head.

"I was asking if you wanted to go play now that dinner was over."

"You still wanna play with me even though I was bad?" I questioned

"Sweetie your punishment ended earlier. I'm not going to drag it out. There's no need to. Of course I want to play with you. What would you like to do?"

I thought for a moment then remembered all the board games I saw in my closet.

"Can we play Life?" I asked excitedly

"Of course sweetie. Here let's go into your room. We can play at the table in there." He said picking me up.

I was happy I just hugged him big and tight all the way to my room.

The game took about an hour for us to do. It was fun but I started losing interest about 20 minutes ago. Thomas was counting the money and I was laying on the floor picking at the rug.

"Alright Aza you won by 100 dollars! Lucky girl" He said giving me a pretend pouty face that he lost.

It made me giggle

"Oh so now you wanna laugh at me. I'll give you something to laugh at" He said reach over to tickle me.

"Daddy nooooo!" I said laughing so hard

"Tell daddy he's the best and I'll quit" he said tickling me more

"YOU'RE THE BEST YOU'RE THE BEST" I said between my laughs

"Oh why thank you Aza I had no idea you felt that way I'm flattered." He said dramatically

I just rolled my eyes before attack him and making him fall back.

"I only said it cause you made me" I told him

Quickly he flipped us over so he was ontop of me pinning me.

"Oh yea is that so little girl?" He said seductively.

His face was really close to mine. I really wanted to reach up and kiss his lips. In my week here nothing romantic had happened, and I really wanted it to.

I thought he felt the same way, but he pulled away lifting me up.

"Shower time for one little girl!" He sang taking me to get showered.

I felt a little hurt he didn't kiss me. Maybe he decided he didn't really like me that way after all. I guess I couldn't blame him.

"Now that your arm is out of the sling, do you want to do it yourself or would you like me to help you?" Thomas asked

I had completely forgotten I could shower myself now. I was so used to him helping me after this week. And I honestly had kind of fallen in love with being pampered. Knowing I could do it on my own made me really happy too though. And after he just didn't kiss me maybe I should do it myself.

"I think I wanna try by myself" I said looking at him.

He looked a little hurt but nodded and said okay. He helped me wrap my cast in plastic though and climb into the tub. Then he left me.

Love Yourself: Little Azalea's StoryUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum