Chapter 40

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*****Azalea's Point of View*****

"Wake up babygirl," daddy purred in my ear.

Waking up was the last thing on my mind. After last night I was exhausted. I loved every second of it though. The way daddy grabbed my collar as he thrust into me was exactly how I thought it would be.

The way he spanked me after making me cum with the vibrator sent me over the edge.

"Nutuh" I mumbled as he shook me again.

"Alright baby girl I'll just go eat your waffles and bacon. And drink all your chocolate milk" he said getting up.

Now he had my attention.

I jumped out of bed and ran out the door after him.

He was waiting outside the door and caught me in his arms.

"I knew that would work. Come on let's get you dressed first before you eat"

"No daddy. Please. Let me be naked. I'll just get the clothes messy with syrup anyway" I begged giving him my best puppy dog face.

"Alright. Fine. Just this once."

I couldn't believe it worked.

Daddy carried me to the kitchen and sat me at my chair.

I stuffed my face with waffles and bacon.

"Would you like a drink princess?"

"Can I have apple juice pwease?"

Daddy nodded yes and handed me a sippy cup of juice.

He sat down and started eating with me.

I ate two waffles and asked for a third.

"Goodness baby you have quite the appetite this morning," he said sliding it on my plate.

"Someone took a lot out of me last night," I replied blushing and eating.

"I know," he said giving me a wink. "You slept in very late too. Did you even realize its almost 11?"

I was shocked. I hadn't slept that long in awhile.

"I thought we could go do something fun today," Daddy said when we were done eating.

"Like what?" I asked curiously as he led me to my bedroom to clean me up.

"Like going to the park" Daddy said as if it was the most casual thing in the world.

"Yes!" I squealed. I loved the park.

"And I thought we could bring Ben with us. That way Amarie gets a break and you get a friend incase no littles are at the park."

"Yes!" I said with excitement.

Daddy dressed me in my purple and gold owl t-shirt with a pair of jean shorts. He had me get my socks and shoes on as he called Amarie.

"Well Ben loves the idea. So when you're ready let's go!"

I nodded that I was ready and we left to get Ben.

50 minutes later we had Ben and we pulling up to the park.

Ben and I chatted the whole way. I told him about all my new bedroom stuff and how I wanted to decorate it.

"I wanna come see it sometime!" Ben said excitedly.

As daddy parked he stopped us from getting out.

"Lets go over rules you two.
1. Listen to what I say. Including when I say it's time to go.
2. Play nicely. With each other and any other littles.
3. Stay where I can see you and do not take off anywhere without me.
Got it? I'm not afraid to spank either of you here if you don't behave."

We both nodded yes. Daddy got us out of the car and took our hands until we got closer to the play ground.

Then he said go play.

"What do you wanna do first Ben?" I asked racing him to the top of the jungle gym. We slid down the slide.

"Let's play tag!" He said.

We raced everywhere. Other littles soon asked to join us.

Then I was tackled to the ground.

"AZA! What happened to you! I haven't seen you in forever!"

I was so confused and ready to fight whoever knocked me down, then I turned around.

"CAMRYN!" I said excitedly. My best friend in the whole world.

"Its so good to see you. I've missed you. I'm so sorry. My life got really hectic. You know how I was in the car wreck and I went to go live with Alex?"

She nodded yes.

"Well he and I started dating!"

"Shut up! Omg I need all the details."

I didn't know how to explain the daddy little stuff.

Just then a man with light brown skin and jet black hair came up behind her. He stood tall, not as tall as my daddy. He was a very skinny man with light muscles.

He matched Camryn well, who had long curly brown hair and brown eyes on white skin that always got lightly tanned. She was short. Shorter than me. She only came to 4"9'.

"Little girl did you just knock this young lady down?" He asked dominatingly.

"She's my best friend daddy, I was excited to see her," she said quietly to him.

"Wait..daddy?" I asked her. How did I not know?

Just then Thomas came up behind me.

"Baby are you okay Ben said someone knocked you down?"

Camryn just looked at me curiously. Like it was slowly clicking with her as it had for me.

"Yes I'm fine. Camryn knocked me down, but just cause she was happy to see me. I'm fine daddy."

Camryn's eyes lit up as she figured it out.

"We have to talk!" She said.

"Aza are you gonna play some more? We're playing cops and robbers!" Ben said with a group of boys.

"Ben come meet my best friend Camryn!"

He came over and said hello. "Aza has told me so much about you! Wanna play with us?"

Camryn nodded yes. And we took off to play.

We got tired of playing the boys game after a bit and decided we would just go play on the swings and talk.

I filled Camryn in on everything from the car accident to where we were now. Then made her do the same.

She told me how she had been having a secret relationship with AJ for about a year now. Which I had known she was in a relationship. I just didn't know it wad this type of relationship.

"I've missed you so much Camryn," I told her.

"Maybe our daddies will become friends and we can hang out more," she said excitedly.

"Yes! And you gotta come see my new room once it gets done!" I replied.

"Yes! And you gotta see my room too!"

Just then our daddies had came up.

Daddy had Ben's hand and held his unopened one to me.

"Time to go baby" he said. I sadly hugged Camryn and went to take his hand.

"We're gonna go too baby," AJ said to Camryn.

"Awe come on cuties. Don't be sad. We're gonna get dinner together so you two can catch up. Did you know AJ and I actually know each other too?" Daddy said.

"No! How?" Camryn asked.

"We used to hang out in the same circle at the night clubs. Our subs were sisters. Alonso taught together about how to move to the little life too," AJ said.

This was the most I heard about daddy's past life. I wanted to know more.

Before I could ask anything daddy cut in.

"Come on let's go eat guys. I'm starving. Watching you all play made me hungry," he said. With that we walked to the car.

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