Chapter 5

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"Aza, are you awake enough to walk?" I heard Thomas asking, but he sounded really far away and I was very confused.

"Hmm? What I don't wanna go walk anywhere just lemme sleep with Mr. Kitty" I told him.

I heard a soft chuckle and then felt myself being lifted into the air, which scared me.

"What's happening?!" I shouted.

"Relax Aza. I'm just carrying you into the house "

I opened my eyes some more and looked up to see Thomas. Then I realized he was holding me like a baby. Gently, but firmly holding me to his chest so I wouldn't fall. My head was on his chest and I felt completely safe. This had to be a dream.

He set me down on the couch then turned to go get my stuff from the car. I took that moment to pinch and poke and slap myself.

It all hurt which meant I was awake and Thomas did carry me in his arms and I was feeling like a little kid on Christmas. I mean, I'd only dreamt about this happening like a thousand times.

"Alright Aza welcome to my house. Are you awake enough to listen or is the medicine still making you groggy?"

"Nope I'm awake and alert now."

"Alright good." He said with a little bit of nervous to his tone.

"First of, did Alex ever tell you anything about my lifestyle choice?" He said.

What a weird question.

"Um no, he didn't really talk about anything personal about you. Why?" I said unsure how to answer.

"I don't live a normal lifestyle." He said leaving it at that.

"What do you mean?" I asked. He was really confusing me.

"Well, I like to partake in what is known as a type of relationship where I am a dominate and my partner is either a submissive or a little. I'm actually still new the little side. It's been a pleasuring experience, but I haven't found the right little yet." He said.

My head was really spinning. Why was any of this important?

"And why are you telling me this?" I asked.

"Because I want you to be my little."

Love Yourself: Little Azalea's Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن