Chapter 17

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I woke up when Thomas grabbed me from the car.

"Hey sweetie. Go on back to sleep I'm sorry I woke you up." He said gently rubbing my back.

At first I started to lay back down. Then I remembered I had new toys!

"No daddy I have new toys I wanna play with them!" I said eagerly starting to bounce in his arms.

"Baby you only napped for 45 minutes. You normally take a 2 hour nap. Let's go sleep some more. Come on daddy will come lay down with you."

"Nooo I want toys" He said carrying me up the steps.

"I'm not bringing in the toys until you nap."

"Meanie." I said then started to cry.

"Oh I know it. I'm just so mean to have bought you all that stuff, but not to let you play with it until after nap time" he said trying to soothe me.

I screamed and cried and tried to fight him to let me go as he laid me down.

"Azalea Rose. Stop it right now. I will spank you" He warned.

I wasn't listening I yelling at him to let me go and to play.


It was just one smack but it was enough to grab my attention. I calmed down and let daddy tuck me in. He even got in bed and laid down with me like he said he would.

Playing with my hair and rubbing my back I started drifting off to sleep again. As I was almost asleep he put his arm around me and kissed my head.

"Sweet dreams princess" He whispered. I was too out to say anything back.

Thomas's point of view
Damn I had a cranky girl when she didn't get her nap. No more skipping naps from now on.

I was glad she asked to go to the toy shop first. It really seemed to put her mind in little space for the rest of the trip. I couldn't wait to dress her in all the cute clothes I bought her.

Since she didn't have much physical therapy this up coming week I wanted to try and find her a babysitter. Preferably someone who was used to this life style and had a little. Everyone needs a friend to play with.

Sam said he would bring his little to the office sometime, but two littles alone in my office all day scared me.

That gave me an idea though. I could ask Sam who watched his little when he was at work.

Getting my phone I texted him and waited for his reply.

"My wife does. Why?" He replied

I answered, "I'm wanting to find a sitter for Aza. Any chance she would want to watch her too?"

I waited for a bit. I assumed Sam was asking his wife.

She said sure. She'd give it a try. Want to bring Aza over tomorrow to meet Amarie and Ben."

"Sure. Thank you! Does after nap time work?" I asked.

He replied yes and suggested doing a dinner. So we would be going over there about 4. That gave Aza 2 hours to wake up from her nap. Hopefully she wouldn't be cranky, or opposed to the idea of having a babysitter. I just hoped her and Sam's little got along.

The clock read 4:34. Aza had been down for almost an hour now. I was afraid she wouldn't sleep tonight if I let her sleep, but also she was so cranky. I could get some work done if she slept.

Being an ER doctor was a crazy life. Usually my hours are hectic. No breaks. No set schedule. Sometimes 24 hours or more on duty. It was crazy. I loved my job, but I didn't want that life anymore now that I had Aza.

I got lucky this month because I got to be the administrative doctor. Basically I just checked on the other doctors made sure they were doing things right and update files and such. Better hours and less craziness.

Unfortunately all the doctors rotated this job every month so I was looking at other options.

I thought about moving to family practice or surgeon.

"Daddy?" I heard a small voice from behind me.

"Well hello sunshine." I said going over to pick her up.

"Daddy I'm hungry" She said laying her head on me.

"You know I think I am too. How about we go out for dinner?" I asked her.

She nodded yes, and we started getting ready.

Tonight was going to be the night I kissed her.

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