Chapter 41

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We went to another new cg/l restaurant called "Royal Palace." AJ suggested it.

"The place is great!" Camryn said. "It's got video games and a giant jungle gym shaped like a castle! You climb in it and there's different things, like slides, ball pits, monkey bars, bouncy floors, things you sit and bounce on."

I was getting so excited. I couldn't wait.

"Yes, but remember food first then play. And any toes out of line will be spanked and taken home," my daddy warned.

Ben, Camryn, and I talked excitedly about what we would do the whole time we drove there. I was glad all three of us could get along. Camryn was my best friend, but Ben was becoming one too. I hoped we could all hang out and play more often too. AJ followed in front of us leading the way.

We pulled up and saw Sam and Amarie waiting at the doors.

When the car stopped Ben jumped out.

"Mommy! Daddy! You're coming too?" He asked excitedly.

"Of course baby boy. When uncle Thomas messaged us you were coming here we couldn't pass it up. It sounds like too much fun" Sam said.

Daddy introduced AJ to Amarie and Sam then we went in.

The place was huge!!

Camryn's description did not do it justice.

Daddy grabbed my hand before I could take off.

"Daddy! This place is so cool! Thank you for bringing me here!" I said jumping into his arms to hug him.

I felt myself fall into my little space.

We, well daddy, paid our way in. Entry included a few tokens for the video games. They stamped all our hands so they would know who we came with. Then they put a bracelet on us littles and a matching one with our daddy's/mommy so people would know we were claimed littles.

As we entered I noticed how packed and loud the place was. We walked to the back where there were tables to order food.

Daddy sat me in the chair next to him. Camryn jumped into the seat next to me.

"Are you okay?" She asked, "you look a little scared." She asked me quietly enough that no one else could hear.

I nodded yes telling her, "there's just a lot of people and noise and it freaked me out a little."

"Aza how old are you right now?" She said.

I held out my fingers showing her 4.

She nodded and took my hand giving it a squeeze.

The adults ordered our food. When mg water came I drank it down eagerly. I hadn't realized how thirsty I was. The waiter brought me another and I quickly demolished that one too.

"Daddy can we go play in the arcade while we wait for food?" Camryn asked AJ.

"You can, but it's up to Ben and Aza's parents if they can. And I want you staying in the arcade right over there so I can find you when the food is here."

Ben asked and his parents said yes. He jumped up with Camryn.

"I play too?" I asked daddy.

I knew Thomas could tell then I was little.

He hesitated for a moment. He looked at AJ and Sam.

"You know what I think I want to go with you guys," Sam said. "I haven't played ski ball in forever and I'm dying to challenge you on it again Thomas. Remember how I beat you at that hotel lounge at the Deershire conference?"

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