Chapter 24

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I hated this next week. Daddy had to go back to his crazy work schedule since he wasn't head doctor or whatever now. I was spending a lot more time with Ben and Amarie than I was him and I was becoming cranky.

"Azalea it's bedtime. Come on go get ready with Ben" Amarie said.

I sat pouting. "I want my daddy I don't wanna sleep here again"

This past week I'd been staying so late here Amarie was making me go to bed when Ben did, and then daddy came and got me during the night. Last night I ended up spending the night.

"Baby I know. I know you miss your daddy. He had an emergency though. He has to stay late to do a surgery."

"Is he gonna come get me later tonight?" I asked as Amarie got tired of waiting for me and just carried me to get ready.

"I don't know sweetie. He may just wait to get you in the morning depending on what time he gets done."

After getting ready Amarie tucked me and Ben into bed.

"Aza I know you miss your daddy, but I'm happy you're here with me. It's been fun," Ben said hugging me trying to cheer me up.

"I've had fun with you too, but I'm so sad too. I miss him, and miss him playing with me and cuddling me and giving me kisses."

"It'll be okay. Doesn't he have tomorrow off? Maybe you should make a plan to get his attention."

"Hmm you might be onto something Ben."

We both got silent and soon I heard Ben's snores. I couldn't get to sleep. I was lonely and frustrated. I thought about what Ben said and decided to make a plan.

****Thomas's Point of View****
These hours were killing me. 5am and I just got out of surgery. A 15 hour shift. I was dead. All I could think about though was my baby.

Sam and Amarie gave me a key so I could come and get Aza at whatever time without waking them up.

Walking in I saw lights on.

"Long night?" Sam asked from the kitchen table.

"20 hour shift. Gotta love ER life" I replied with a weak smile.

"You wanna just stay here then? You can sleep in the spare bedroom."

"Thanks but nah I'm good. I'm jacked up on coffee and red bull. I just want to take my girl home."

With that I went to Ben's room. My girl was so cute sleeping. Messy hair, slightly pouty lips, relaxed. I scooped her up.

She didn't even stir.

Finally home at 8am I start taking her in the house where she starts waking up.

"Daddy are we just getting home?"

"Yea baby. I'm sorry, there was an emergency. But I have the next 3 days off with you."

"Do you have to do any work from home?"

"I do have to do some files and the house work needs caught up on, but we'll still have plenty of time together babygirl," I said.

Her face scrunched up like it did when she wasn't getting her way. I could see a temper tantrum in my future.

"Come on Aza. You can be with me all the time and we can do fun things together. How about date night?"

Her face unscrunched a little and she nodded in agreement. Maybe I would save my butt from a fight.

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