Chapter 43

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Today daddy said we could paint my room! All my furniture was due to arrive on Monday, so he wanted to paint it now so it had plenty of time to dry over the weekend.

First we had to take everything out of my room.

Daddy asked AJ and Sam to come over to help. I played with Ben and Camryn while the adults did the work.

"Your house is so cool Aza!" Ben said.

"Yea it's really big!" Camryn added.

This was the first time in my life I had lived in a cool house.

We all decided we wanted to color and watch Netflix.

Daddy and the guys started bringing down my toys to the livongroom.

"Lets play with these guys!" I said grabbing my stuff out of the boxes.

As we played the guys took out the old furniture. AJ had a truck and he offered to take it to the thrift store for daddy.

Eventually everything was ready to be hauled off.

"Camryn, Ben help Aza clean this up cause then you're coming with Sam and I to haul this stuff off," AJ said.

"No daddy. I wanna stay here," Camryn replied barking back.

"Excuse me little girl? Do you want to have to get a spanking in front of your friends?"

"No! I'm not going though!" She huffed sitting down.

AJ didn't okay around. He walked over and picked her up smacking her butt as he did.

"Im sorry Azalea. Camryn doesn't want to be a good girl right now. But I hope you have fun painting your new room with your daddy. We'll see ya later kiddo," AJ patted me on the head with the hand that wasn't holding the yelling Camryn in place over his shoulder.

"Bye Cami" I whispered as she waved goodbye. Crying and still kicking to get out of his grip.

Ben helped me pick up my toys then hugged me goodbye.

"Ready to paint?" Daddy said coming up behind me with the paint cans.

I nodded eagerly and ran up the stairs.

Painting is a lot of work! I kept getting frustrated and wanting to give up. Daddy wouldn't let me though. He was calm and cool throughout the process. Showing me and guiding me hand over hand when needed. After about an hour I finally had one wall painted.

"Daddy I did it! Thank you!" I told him hugging him.

"You're welcome baby. See aren't you glad I didn't let you quit? Now when you look at that wall you can remember how you worked hard."

I beamed at his praise. I hugged him around his waist.

"I wuv you daddy," I said kissing his chest.

"I love you too baby girl. Now how about some lunch?"

I nodded eagerly.

"Now what would my baby like for lunch?" Daddy asked.

"Grilled cheese and chocolate milk!"

"Coming right up, but pick a fruit to go with it."

"Mmm apple slices!" I said.

Within ten minutes daddy set my plate in front of me.

Daddy reheated something he had gotten at work the other day.

"What's that?" I asked

"Chew before you talk please," Daddy said. "It's a chipotle chicken pasta. It's spicy."

"Can I try?"

"I thought you hated spicy stuff"

"It smells really good!" I replied. I did hate spicy stuff I just wanted to have what daddy did.

He put a small bite on his fork and brought it to my lips. I opened and took the bite.

"Oh hot!" I said drinking my milk down to wash it out.

"I warned," Daddy said smiling and eating another bite.

We finished eating.

"Paint more?" I asked.

"Aza it's naptime silly girl. You know that after lunch you take a nap. You can paint more later."

"No. No nap. I paint!" I said starting to throw a fit.

"Do you need spankies little girl?" He threatens.

"Nooo! But I wanna paint! No nap!" I screamed.

Daddy pulled me out of my chair and brought me to stand in front of him. He quickly then turned me around and swatted my butt 4 times.

"Aza you're tired and cranky, but that's no reason to act like this. Now march up those stairs and go lay down in my bed. I'll be there in a minute."

I marched up the stairs like he wanted but I was mad and dead set on not taking a nap. I ran into my room and grabbed the paint roller.

"AZALEA! What did I tell you?" Daddy asked from the doorway. He was pissed.

"You told me to paint" I said trying to be all cute.

"Azalea Rose would you like to try and answer me again?" He was not a happy daddy.

I got mad again and threw the roller down.

"I want to paint! No nap! You not boss of me" I screamed.

That pushed me too far. Daddy grabbed my arm and dragged me to his room. Before I could react he had my pants down and me across his lap. He started spanking me hard.

For a good solid minute he rained spankings down on me. This was the most he had ever spanked me, and I was a crying mess.

Daddy stopped and picked me up to look at him. He grabbed my jaw forcing me to look into his eyes.

"I am the boss of you little girl. Next time you forget, it will not just be my hand on your bottom. Just because I haven't paddled, whipped, or caned you yet does not mean I won't if you can't behave. You disobeyed me and lied to me, ontop of that. You know how I feel about those things. Now lay down and go to sleep unless you want another 30 spankings."

Tears pricked my eyes. I had really pushed it.

Thomas laid me down on his bed and tucked me in. He handed me my elephant and pacifier.

"I love you baby girl. Take a good nap for me," he said with a kiss to the head.

"I love you too daddy."

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