"How did the interview go?"

Harry asked as Demi look up at him with a smile on her face.

"Great, my last audition is two weeks."

Demi said as she got out of Harry's grip before taking off her backpack. Placing it on top of her old desk as she return her arms around Harry. Harry instantly place his hands around her as he brought her closer to him. He loves feeling her body presses against him.

"The principle told us to wait on putting in any new grades until after the fine arts thing. So we would know how many students we are losing. It's feels like a waste of time. It's too many weeks without doing anything."

Harry said as he place his hand behind her neck making their foreheads touch. Looking into her brown eyes as he couldn't be any happier knowing that he got her back.
He was in hell without her.

"If I were to lose you again. I don't know what I would do with myself."

Harry said as he knew that it was all true. How little did he know that she was his drug. He only recently notice that when he tried to take his own life wasn't just because of Kendall. He couldn't live with the fact that Demi wasn't on his side anymore. Even if she's only been in his life for a few months, it felt like a lifetime.
Taking a look to her half open backpack as he could see the fine arts packet almost falling from her bag.

"Be careful with your stuff baby."

Harry said as he pointed to her bag. Demi turn her head to see her bag almost falling from the chair. Getting out of Harry's hands as she grab her bag and fixing the zipper. Seeing the packet that had information on the last audition as she took it out before returning to Harry's arms. Smiling at him as she open the page to the information about the whole thing.

"They told me that I could perform five songs. I was thinking about doing the one that you wrote for me. What do you think?"

Harry's smile big as his dimples were poking out from his cheeks.

"That would be lovely."

Harry said as he felt butterflies in his stomach. He couldn't be happier as his smile showed it. He had a huge grin on his face as his eyes sparkled with just looking at her.

"I can't wait to hear you perform and hear your wonderful voice. You need to start practicing, baby. "

Harry said as Demi only smile at him.

"I know. Just hold me tight. Being close to you might help me with writing songs."

Demi said as she place her grip tighter on him. Harry followed her orders as he look deeply into her eyes.

"You're everything to me Demi. Don't ever forget that."

Harry before closing the space between them as he place his lips on hers. Moving perfectly as time escape both of them. If only the world would stop for them to be together forever.
Demi was taking off her shoes as she close her bedroom door behind her. She had a big smile on her face as she could still feel his lips on her. There was this tenderness that didn't feel like leaving. And she hope that it wouldn't leave.
Pushing herself off the door as she walk to her bed.
She knew that with so little time she had fallen so fast for her teacher.
She loves it when he would kiss her. Even if it was just a quick kiss, she would always still feel him. She hope that he would never let her go, even with the upcoming future.
Laying on her bed on her back as she couldn't help but giggle.
She even often wonder if this was truly love and if it was she hope that he would never break her.
Getting up from her spot as she went to go get her journal and her pen. Opening up to a clean page as she began to write down what she was thinking.

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