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In the beginning, there was nothing. The universe was like a space of sorrow and desolation. From that oblivion, a single ray of light spread in a split of a second. After that, in a snap, He created everything - great and small.

When all of the things were in its proper places, He began to make a concealed world which he called the Realm. To fill the unseen land, He shaped beings out of its very soil. Then He breathed life to them, and just before they open their eyes, He ascended back to the Heavens.

He left a big portion of Himself in the Realm as he shared his abilities and powers to His creations. There are some who have the supremacy over the elements - earth, fire, water, and air. While others have the dominion over mankind. They have the ability and power to control the destiny of humanity, His most precious creation. They were like humans; but can live for two centuries above, depending on their deeds. They were generally called the People of the Realm.

As the history of humanity commenced its course, so as the of the Realm. Contrasting to Earth, the Realm has a much schematized and sophisticated government which is called the Council situated at the Capitol. It was headed by a Pioneer who is tasked to manage the executive affairs of the land. The legislative body is called the Statutory. While the Magistrate leads the judiciary affairs of the Realm. Then, there is the Tribune which represents the inhabitants of the Realm who are the offsprings of the people of the Realm and Earth - that's what they know, at least.

Inside the Realm was an office which controls the affairs of men of the outside nations, the Hive. Its operation started as soon as the first men of earth were stripped of their rights in the Garden of Eden. Observing and guiding the first men, the inhabitants of the Realm, by and by, started to be influenced by their system. This led to the establishment of the different courts in the confined world. 

The Realm was divided into twelve divisions with different powerful clans leading it. The Hive was left behind, and the Great War commenced. Likewise, at this point in time, the Grand Barrier was opened, and humans were able to penetrate the unseen land, as well as some demons they called archfiends. During this time, He was unresponsive. They called that period preceding that time the Age of Regression. It would always repeat if they would go back to the worldly ways.

The exerted their effort to maintain the Grand Barrier and the four portals in the Realm closed. But, since there were evil beings and humans inside, the situation was a little bit difficult. These demons would always find an opportunity to possess the hidden people. Until Matthew Castor, her lover promised to find someone for her and traveled north. Accidentally, he let a powerful archfiend in, Agares. This fiasco was considered taboo to talk.

With the help of the fusions, Merriah Gray swept to power as the pioneer. She was tagged as the Iron Lady for her personality. But, little did the Realm know, the very reason that motivated her to seat in power was to know what really happened to Mathew. Did she really cause his death? Was she the one to blame? On her way, she faced many trials, experienced many challenges, and learned secrets, dark secrets, which she had written in her diary. She was prepared to reveal everything; however, it was too late. She was shot to death which left the persons she left behind in chaos. 

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