Time Of Month😣 -Sherlock X Reader

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You groan, sitting on the couch. Almost instantly, Sherlock and John walk through the door and begin to bicker. Tired of their endless bickering, you throw a pillow at John. When he turns to you, a scowl etched in his features, you throw another pillow at Sherlock; he doesn't acknowledge the fact that you hit him in his handsome face with a pillow.

John turns back to Sherlock, arms crossed over his chest. "Sherlock, do something with your girlfriend. She's trying to throw stuff at us," John says. You snort. "Maybe if the two of you would shut the hell up and go away, I wouldn't throw shit at you," you say, splaying your body dramatically on the couch.

"It's that time of month, John. We have to deal with it for a week," Sherlock says, walking out the door. John scoffs, going back into his bedroom. You groan, as your stomach feels as if someone has punched the shit out of you.

"John, can I have ice cream? Please? I'll do my best to be on my behaviour," you shout. You sit up. John comes out of his bedroom and goes into the kitchen.

When he comes back, he drops the bowl of ice cream in your hand and goes back to his room. "Thanks John!" you shout, shovelling ice cream into your mouth. You hear no reply, but you don't acknowledge it, as he's in a sour mood.

Sherlock comes back into the flat with plastic grocery bags. He puts the bags in the kitchen, then comes back into the front room, pulling his coat and scarf off. Sherlock sits next to you and pulls you into his chest, giving you a kiss on your head.

"I made sure to get a lot of chocolate, and, just in case you need them, I got you more feminine products," Sherlock says. You smile. "Thank you Sherlock. I don't care what anyone says; you're the best," you say. He smiles slightly.

Your mood changes instantaneously. "Now get up and get some of that chocolate or I will scream," you threaten. Sherlock laughs lightly and gets up, obliging to your commands.

You have Sherlock wrapped around your finger.

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