Candy Bars🍫Sherlock X Reader

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"Sherlock, what are you eating?" You ask as you notice Sherlock stuffing his face with something. "Ishntit ombvius?" Sherlock asks with his mouth full. "Uh, no. It looks like a turd. That's all I can tell by looking at it." You say.

Sherlock swallows it down and turns to you. "It was a candy bar, (Y/N). You are getting rusty at deductions." He says matter- of- factly. "Where is the wrapper?" You ask. "I threw it somewhere. Go look for it if you want. Meanwhile, I've got chocolate to eat with or without you." Sherlock says.

"You're not leaving me out on this one. Where there is chocolate, there is always me." You say, and plop down beside him. He pulls candy bars out of his pocket, and places them in front of you. "Eat we must, and eat we shall!" You say.

Sherlock gives you a funny look, then rolls his eyes. "If you say so, (Y/N)." He says before stuffing his face with more chocolate. "Ish tomday shmting shpeshal?" You ask with a full mouth. "Repeat that without a full mouth." Sherlock says.

You nod and swallow the chocolate. "Is today something special?" You ask once more. "Yes." Sherlock says. "It's not your birthday, or mine. It's not my time of month. It's not our anni-friendi-versary. So, what is it?" You ask.

Sherlock begins to chuckle, spitting chocolate everywhere. "What is an 'anni-friendi-versary'?" Sherlock asks. "You know, anniversary of our friendship," you say, "like the day we became friends." Sherlock nods. "No, it's a special day because I get to spend it eating candy bars with a special friend." Sherlock says.

You smile and pat his arm. "How nice. I'm your special frien, but why special?" You ask. "Oh, well, my parents called Mycroft and I special, because we were different. 'Unique' and 'special'." He explains, shrugging his shoulders.

You drop your jaw. "I thought you were being nice!" You say. You cross your arms. "I was. That was the nice way to put it." Sherlock says with a 'duh' face. You drop your jaw even further. Sherlock gingerly unwraps a candy bar. He lifts it up to his mouth like he's going to eat it, but shoves it into your mouth. "I was only teasing, (Y/N). Don't take it too hard." He says.

You smile as he chuckles at you. "Not funny!" You say, playfully shoving him. "Oh, it was quite amusing." Sherlock says.


So, how you like? My first imagine is done. Thank you if you read this! Gimme ideas, cuz I am clueless!

Anyways, relax and be patient.

Love always,

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