Under the Umbrella☔️Mycroft X Reader

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You were walking in the rain, freezing and soaked. You'd given your coat to your best friend a while back, and she still hadn't returned it. You didn't have an umbrella with you, because the weather was supposed to be nice, so you left home without it.

Your sheer light pink top clinged to your curves, as did your white cami. Your hair was soaked and dripping rain. Water sloshed in your white heels, and your skirt was clinging to your legs.

You shivered and rubbed your arms with your hands. You groaned as the rain became heavier. "Yes, just open up the heavens on the one day that I am unprepared for rain, because it's amusing to watch me suffer," you said with pure sarcasm and venom laced in your tone.

You sighed and crossed your arms. "This day has been absolutely lovely so far," you mutter as you continue walking. A chuckle sounded from behind you, and the rain stopped pounding on you. You rolled your eyes and turned to the person that found your suffering amusing.

"Do you find my pain funny?" You snapped at the tall and professional- looking man holding an umbrella over your head. "Actually, I was more amused by your sarcasm. It's quite humorous to me," he said, causing you to arch an eyebrow.

You sighed, relaxing a bit. "I apologise for my behaviour. Today's not exactly been the greatest," you said as he arched an eyebrow. "No need to apologise. It's obvious that you're stressed out, thereby causing you to be irritated. The rain doesn't help, either," he said, sighing.

You studied his face for a bit, thinking him to be familiar. "My name is Mycroft Holmes, by the way," he said. You hummed in response, then realised why he looked familar. "Wait, did you live in Musgrave at some point?"you asked. His eyes widened a fraction, then returned to normal size.

"Yes," he said, then he studied you a bit longer. "You were the little girl that annoyed Sherlock by playing with me," he said as a smile barely made its way upon his lips. You nodded. "Yeah. I'm still (F/N) (L/N), and still annoy Sherlock," you said.

"You annoy Sherlock? In what ways? Do tell, I must simply find new ways to aggravate him," Mycroft said. You snorted. "Occasionally, I see him at my place of work. I never cease to ask unintelligent questions. Eventually, he yells at me to 'shut up before the IQ of everyone in London drops'. It amuses me so to see him so flustered by flurry of stupidity," you said.

You stopped walking, as you'd reached your flat. "This is me," you said. Mycroft stopped walking and continued to hold the umbrella over your heads as you looked in the flowerpot for your key. Once you'd gotten the key, and had unlocked your door, you turned to Mycroft and sent him a smile.

"Thanks for not letting me get any more soaked than I am," you said, wringing out your hair. "If you don't mind, I would like to catch up with you somewhere dry and where we can't get hypothermia or pneumonia," Mycroft said. You stopped wringing your hair and looked at him. "Sure. How about after work tomorrow? " you asked.

Mycroft nodded and bid you farewell. You turned and went into your flat.

It's amazing what happens under the umbrella.

OMG PEOPLE!! I am SO sorry. This REALLY sucks. I wrote this at 2 in the morning, my device died, and there was a period of time where wi-fi was not available to me.

*sighs* Anyways, my Christmas break from school ends tomorrow. *groans melodramatically* *mycroft cringes and backs away slowly*

Anyways, I hope your day is awesome!

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(Supposed to be a cat)

Love to all,

Sherlock ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora