Obvious- Sherlock X Reader

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You sit in John's chair, watching Sherlock intently as he sits in his chair, hands folded in a prayer position. John bursts through the door, panting and dripping wet. He slams the door closed. You flinch at the sound of the door.

"Christ, John," you say, not removing your eyes from Sherlock. John pulls his coat off  and slings it onto the floor, then storms off into the kitchen. Sherlock suddenly stands, a smile on his face. He claps his hands together and rushes to the wall with red string pinned everywhere.

"Of course! How did I not see it? It was obvious from the beginning!" Sherlock jumps onto the couch, ripping pictures off the wall and fixing the string. You sigh. "Sherlock, did you make (Y/N) get milk today?" John asks, coming out of the kitchen.

"Yes, John. Now shut up," Sherlock says. John sighs. "Sorry (Y/N). He's an arse like that," John says sympathetically. You crack a smile. "It's no problem John. I was going out anyways," you say.

John sighs, then looks up, smiling at you. "Obviously," he says. Sherlock turns around wistfully, then pulls on his coat and scarf. "John, Mycroft will be here any minute to pick you up. (Y/N) get your coat on. You're coming with me," Sherlock says.

You smile widely. "Yes! I get to go on a case!"you shout, doing a happy dance. Sherlock watches, amused. "Alright, coat on, let's go,"he says, rushing out of the flat and hailing a cab. You chase after him.

John just shakes his head, smiling. "They totally like each other," he mumbles.


You wrap your arms around Sherlock's torso, sighing in relief. Sherlock hesitantly wraps his arms around you. You finally caught the suspect after a long and grueling run around London, and it feels pretty damn good.

"(Y/N), before we get to the flat, let's go to the Chinese place down the street. After a case like this, I know you've got to be hungry," he says. "Sounds wonderful, Sherlock," you say, although your voice is muffled by his coat- clad chest. He smiles a bit, although you can't see it.

You unwrap your arms from around him and walk alongside him to the Chinese place. He opens the door, allowing you to go in first, and you find a table to sit down at. Sherlock orders the food and pays for it, then sits don across from you.

"You were really helpful today, (Y/N)," Sherlock says, gazing into your eyes. You tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. "Thanks, Sherlock," you say, avoiding eye contact.

He smiles wistfully and holds his hand out, reaching for yours. He takes your wrist and raises your hand to his lips, kissing your knuckles, and looking into your eyes at the same time. Your cheeks flush pink. "I know you're checking my pulse," you say.

Sherlock intertwines his long, slender fingers with yours. "Obvious, isn't it?"he asks. "Yes," you say. Sherlock sighs. "You're in love with me," he states. You feel your cheeks heat up. "Yeah, I guess," you say, biting your lip and looking off to the side.

Sherlock smiles, and turns your head so that you face him. "It's obvious. You subconsciously move a strand of hair behind your ear, bite your lip, flush red, your pupils dilate, and your pulse is..." "Yeah. I- I get it. You deduced me," you say.

Sherlock sits back in his chair as the food is set in front of you. You smile gratefully at the server, Sherlock watching you. "I knew that eventually, I wouldn't be able to hide it anymore. I was going to say something, but if I were rejected, then I would probably be broken; being broken like that is a weakness," you say. Sherlock smiles wider.

"Dear (Y/N), I wouldn't reject you; the feelings are reciprocated. I was going to tell you, but you know how I am, and well..." "I might take it the wrong way," you say. Sherlock nods.

"Damn. We were so obvious about this, but extremely oblivious as well," you say. All Sherlock can do is nod and smile wider than ever.

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