Blonde- John X Reader

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"Sherlock, I figured out why John is so slow," you say. Sherlock furrows his brows. "Why, (Y/N) is John slow?" Sherlock asks. You smile widely. "Because he's a blonde. Blondes are dumb," you say. John scoffs from the kitchen.

"(Y/N), I will have you know that-" "Blah, blah, blah. Noone asked you, John," you interrupt. John comes out of the kitchen, glaring at you. You smirk.

"(Y/N), you are going to regret you ever opened your mouth," John says, with a smirk of his own. "Dearest, smartest, most wonderful Sherlock, would you mind helping me?" You ask, batting your eyelashes.

Sherlock's thumbs dance across his smart phone screen. "You have to fight your own battle, (Y/N)," Sherlock says, not looking at you. John comes up behind you, wrapping his arms around you. He throws you over his shoulder.

"Screw you, William," you say. Sherlock chuckles, still texting. John carries you away.

Let's just say that you never called John a dumb blonde again.


If you are a blonde, this isn't meant to offend. There was a time in my life when I, myself, was a blonde. My sister is a blonde, as are many of my friends. So, as I said, this isn't meant to offend.

Also, does anyone know what the bloody hell Thassalophobia is? A video popped up in my notifications titled Do you have Thassalophobia? I don't know what it is, so I guess I don't have it.

Also, the term for fear of big words is hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliaphobia.

Fun fact: I have arachniphobia. If I see a spider, I start having a panic attack- even if it's just a picture.

The only good spiders are Spiderman and Black Widow.

So, yeah. Also, does anyone else think Rupert Graves and George Clooney look similar? Maybe's probably just my screwed up vision.

Anyways, I love you all dearly,

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