Dangerous Love💘Moriarty X Reader pt.2

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You escape the prison, hand- in- hand with your king. King Jim. Once out of sight of the prison, Jim stretches his arms behind him. "Miss me?" He asks to nothing in particular. You giggle.

"Come on, Queen. Daddy's got some old friends to visit," he says. You take his hand in yours. He pulls you to Baker Street. When in front of 221, he pulls an envelope out of his pocket and puts it in the mail slot. He then runs down the street, and onto another.

He stops in front of an alley and whistles. Out of thin air, it seems, a black car appears. You gasp in delight. He pulls you into the back seat with him. The driver takes you to an empty warehouse.

Once the car has stopped, you and he get out. He leads you inside. The first few rooms are messy, smelly, and grimy. Then, he leads you up a flight of stairs. The floor is chocolate- coloured hardwood and the walls are beige.

He leads you to the end of a hallway, where there is a big room with a fireplace. A dark brown, leather loveseat and sofa reside there. Jim leads you down another hallway with lots of rooms. Eventually, he stops in front of a huge room with the door closed.

"This is the bedroom," he says seductively. You giggle. He opens the door and pushes you inside, shutting the door. It is, in fact, a bedroom. Fit for a princess. You hear a scream and a cracking sound, then retreating footsteps.

He opens the door, allowing himself in. "Sorry about that, my Queen. Now, you don't need those clothes," he says, looking over your body. You giggle. "You don't need yours, either," you say. He unbuttons his shirt.


You wake up under white sheets, no clothes on, next to Jim. His hair is messy, and his choolate eyes are open, watching you. Both of you smile at one another. He wraps an arm around you, nuzzling into the crook of your shoulder.

If this is what loving a fellow criminal is like, then you want this dangerous love. You want it more than anything.

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