Milk Meet 🥛John X Reader

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"Why don't you get milk, Sherlock? We need it!" You hear a man whisper- shouting. "Oh, shut up John! Really, you ought to shut up! No milk! That's final!" Another man says.

By now, you've made your way to the aisle where the two men are fighting. "Sherlock, please get milk. At least so we can have cereal!" A sandy- haired man says. "John, I said no and that's final. No is no. No is not yes, it is a definitive nuh- uh. Nope. No." A dark- haired man says.

"Excuse me, miss. Do you think he is being unreasonable? I mean, I'm sure you've overheard our conversation. What do you think?" The sandy-haired man asks you.

You cock an eyebrow and cross your arms over your chest. "What's the reason for not getting milk. It has calcium for bone growth and strength. Why do you not want to buy it?" You ask, turning to the dark- haired man. "Well... because... you see..." he tries to think of an excuse, but comes up with none.

You turn to the sandy- haired man. "Just get milk. He's going to be here all day trying to think of an excuse." You advise the sandy- haired man. "Thanks. My name's John, by the way. John Watson." He smiles, holding out his hand. "(Y/N). (Y/N) (L/N). Pleasure to meet you, John." You say, shaking his hand.

"Ah... oh. I see that you got milk. Oh well." The dark- haired man walks off leaving you and John alone. "Well, (Y/N), it was nice to meet you." John says. "You as well," you reply. "I'd better go follow him. He may leave me behind." John says, before smiling. He then turns on his heel and follows Sherlock.

"Well, that was.... different." You say.


I'm back baby! Hope you enjoyed that

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I'm back baby! Hope you enjoyed that. Feel free to give requests.  My ears are open.

Anywho, another one's coming up soon.

See ya. Love always,

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