The Ex Wife - Greg X Reader

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You come into the Yard one day, to visit Greg and bring him some lunch. As soon as you walk in, everyone looks at you with sympathetic glances. Confused, you ask the receptionist, "What's going on?" She doesn't reply, but points to Greg's office.

You give her a questioning glance, to which she smiles sympathetically. Even more confused, you walk to Greg's office and listen through the door. You hear Greg and some lady talking.

Assuming it to be an officer, you think nothing of it, and put your hand on the door handle. You open the door silently.

You see a woman clad in a black dress and red heels with her hair teased up and ruby red lipstick applied to her lips. She's sitting on the edge of Greg's desk smiling seductively. Greg looks highly irritated, arms crossed over his chest and his brows furrowed out of stress.

You open the door a little wider- louder as well, might I add- and Greg looks to you, a smile plastering on his features. He gets up abruptly, causing the woman to look to you. She scowls and gets up, trying to stop Greg from reaching you. He pushes past her and embraces you.

You give him a questioning look, to which he gives a look that says 'will explain later'. You nod and smile slightly. "Did you come to bring me lunch babe?" Greg asks you, emphasising the 'babe'. "Yeah. Oh, don't forget about tonight," you say, winking . He smiles widely.

"Wouldn't miss it," he says. You give him a peck on the lips and walk out of the Yard.


You slip out of the cab and enter the small café. You scope the place out, looking for Greg. He smiles and waves you over. A smile crosses your features as you spot him. Confidently, you walk to the booth and sit across from him.

"So, was it busy today?" you ask Greg. He nods. "Yeah. Double suicide. Haven't had one of those in years," he says. You clear your throat.

"So, who was that woman in your office?" you ask. Greg groans and rubs a hand down his face. "My ex wife. She's been trying to get with me for months. I keep telling her to leave and that I already have a beautiful woman to come home to, but she doesn't get it," Greg says.

You smile. "She's still thinks you'll run back to her after all she's done?" you ask. "Yeah. She's bloody terrible at hiding her intentions. She never was good at it," Greg says to no-one in particular.

He looks at you. "You, love, are the only woman for me. She can do whatever she wants, but my heart, mind, and eyes are set on you," Greg says.

Not knowing what to say, you just kiss him. On the lips. From across the table.

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