BABY!!👶🏻John X Reader

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It was a fine Monday morning. The sun was actually shining, birds were chirping, and the sounds of soft snores filled the room. You looked over to your husband beside you, sleeping off the nightmare that had awaken him at the ungodly hour of two in the morning.

Poor John. He'd been getting nightmares every night for the past week. He deserved to rest. So you let him.

You eased your way out of the bed and slipped on a dressing gown. You padded off into the kitchen to make a cuppa.

Suddenly, you feel a sharp pain in your abdomen. You place your hands on your protruding stomach and make a whimpering noise. Suddenly, something wet runs down your legs.

You gasp, your eyes widen, and you scream for John. "JOHN! BABY! NOW!" You hear the bedroom door burst open and John trips over his own feet, earning a thud.

He gets up quickly and grabs the overnight bag filled with clothes, blankets, toothbrushes, hairbrushes, etc., and makes a mad dash for the door. You waddle like a penguin to the door and carefully make your way down the front steps.

John turns back, finally realising that he left you, and pulls you into the car. He buckles you up, and speedily gets in on the driver's side.

"Okay, I need you to breathe, (Y/N). Just breathe,"he says. You look to him and growl, "I AM BREATHING, SO SHUT UP!" John looks to you, genuinely scared. "Calm down. It's going to be okay. Just relax. Keep calm,"he says.

You let out a scream as a contraction starts. "JE SUIS CALME! NOW SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH AND SPEED THE HELL UP OR YOUR BLOODY BODY WILL BE IN A DUMPSTER!"  John places a hand on your belly. "Breathe, (Y/N). Take it easy," he says, mainly to calm himself.

You screech as the pain worsens. You squeeze John's hand so hard, it turns blue. "SHUT THE BLOODY HELL UP! I AM HAVING THIS CHILD, NOT YOU! I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!" You scream. John winces as his circulation is cut off in his hand.

He doesn't even try any more. He just speeds up and focuses on the shortest possible routes to the hospital. "OH MY GOD, JOHN! YOU DID THIS TO ME! I HATE YOU! WHY? YOU FUCKING DID THIS!" You scream at him. Then, the pain lowers a bit and you loosen the grip on his hand.John sighs in relief as the blood flows into his hand once again.

Finally, he pulls up at the hospital. John drags you out of the car and pulls you inside.  The woman at the front takes one look at you and begins ushering you to a wheelchair. John follows as a nurse pushes you to the labour rooms.

"Sir, you can't come in here. Not until after your son or daughter is born,"she says, before pushing you into a room.

John wanders the halls until he comes to the waiting area fo the delivery ward. He sighs and plops down in an uncomfortably padded chair. He thumbs through a magazine, then throws it onto a nearby table.

Suddenly remembering that no one else knows, John dials Sherlock, Molly, and Greg. He calls your parents as well, telling them that other than the delivery of the baby, everything else is fine.

Soon, Sherlock, Molly, and your parents finally arrive.


John paces the room, beginning to feel restless. Soon after, Sherlock places a hand on his shoulder. "John, you need to rest. After the baby is finally born,  you will get even less amounts of sleep. I suggest that you relax and take a nap. I'll wake you when the baby is born,"Sherlock says.

John simply nods and lowers himself into a chair. "Get some rest, Pops. You're gonna need it," Greg says. John curves his lips upwards. He nods, and reluctantly closes his eyes.


John wakes up to find Molly, Greg, and your dad asleep. Sherlock is in his mind palace and your mom is reading a book, whilst sipping coffee. She looks up, noticing a very much awake John. "John, there's coffee down the hall if you need it," she says. John thanks her and makes his way towards the coffee.

He fills a cup, and returns to the waiting room. Greg has begun to stir in his sleep, and Molly is waking up. She lets out a yawn and opens her eyes.

She smiles sleepily at John. "Pretty soon you'll be a dad," she says. John smiles and nods. "Yeah, and that guy over there will be a godfather," John points to Sherlock, "and you will be a godmother," John says to Molly.

Suddenly, a nurse comes in, taking gloves off. "John Watson, you are a father," she says, smiling. John smiles and follows her as she leads him to a room.

There, he sees a sweaty, pale, tired you, cradling a pink bundle. He smiles at the sight. John inches into the room, and sits in a chair next to you. "Would you like to hold her?"you ask, smiling. John reaches out for the tiny bundle in your arms.

You hand him the small bundle and adjust the blanket. "She's all yours," you say weakly. "Have you named her?" John asks. You shake your head. "Not yet. I wanted to wait until you got here,"you say.

He rocks the bundle gently in his arms. "How about Amelia?"John asks. You smile slightly.  "Sounds good. Amelia Rose Watson," you say. John smiles wider. "Beautiful," he says, "Rest, (Y/N). I know you nedd it," he tells you.

You smile. "Alright, John," you say. "Sleep tight." Is the last thng you hear before you drift off into slumber.

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