The Final Problem- John X Reader

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"Sherlock, don't say that," John says into the phone. You stand there with a worried expression on your face.

Sherlock is on the top of St. Bart's, on the edge, about to jump.

John sighs and gives the phone to you. "He wants to talk to you," he says, his tone worried and scared. You take the phone and put it up to your ear.

"Sherlock, don't do this," you plead. "(Y/N), I have to. It's the final problem. I have to jump. Listen, everything I've ever done is a lie. I am a fake; a fraud that cheats at everything and anything I possibly can to seem smarter. I want to hear you say that I am a fraud," Sherlock says.

You note the hint of worry and regret in Sherlock's tone. "Sherlock, you are not a fraud. You're my brother, I know that you are not a fraud," you say, breaking down.

Sherlock sighs. "(Y/N), just say that I am a fraud. Just say it!" He growls, getting hostile. "WILLIAM SHERLOCK SCOTT HOLMES, YOU ARE THE BIGGEST BAG OF RUBBISH I'VE HAD THE PRIVILEGE OF MEETING!" You shout.

Immediately, you feel sorry for him. "Sherlock, I don't mean that. You may be an arrogant and pompous prat, but you are my twin brother, and I love you. I hope you're happy," you say, then you give the phone to John.

You collapse onto the pavement, sobbing. John gets off the phone and kneels beside you. "I was so mean to him," you say. John rubs circles on your back.

Suddenly, you see Sherlock jump off the hospital and you scream. John's breath catches as his best friend's body make a 'thud' on the ground. You start breathing rapidly, unable to control yourself.

John sees you having a panic attack,  so he lifts you up and carries you over to Sherlock. You hyperventilate and pass out. John screams for his best friend's death and for you, his girlfriend, who is out cold.


You open one eye and immediately close it again. The sterile smell hits you like a freight train. You open your eye once again, then open your other eye.

You see blinding lights and white ceiling. "Why am I in a hospital?" You ask.

"You had a panic attack and began to  hyperventilate.  You passed out and became unresponsive, so medics brought you in here. John looked rather distraught in the hall just a moment ago. I assume he's not taking any of this well at all," a voice says.

You recognise the voice as Mycroft, your older brother. "I never thought you would come to see me in the hospital," you say, sitting up. Mycroft sighs.

"I wasn't going to, but then I thought better of it. Mummy and Daddy wouldn't be happy if I hadn't, so I reluctantly forced myself to appear," he says. You smile.

"Thank you, Mycroft for coming. It means a lot," you say. Mycroft frowns.

"When did you become sentimental, (Y/N)?" Mycroft asks.

"Since John," you say. Mycroft sighs.

"Of course. My deductions were off," he says, face- palming.

"Can John come in now?" You ask. Mycroft nods and leaves swiftly.

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