Beach Vacation🏖Mycroft X Reader

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"(Y/N), I don't like getting sand in my trousers. Must we commence in this?" Mycroft asks you. "Mycroft, stop being a drama queen. I told you to put on swimming trunks and sandals," you say. "Yes, but I prefer being professional, " he says. You roll your eyes.

"Mycroft, we are on vacation, not in an office. There is no need to be dressed professionally," you say. "Dear, must you always be right?" Mycroft asks

You smile smally, for this was a rare compliment by the one and only Mycroft Holmes. "I'm only right when you think I am," you say, giving him a small peck on the cheek.

Mycroft looks at you in awe, as if you'd never gave him a peck on the cheek before. He puts hs fingers on his cheek where you pecked him. "Is it burning your skin?" You ask. Mycroft rolls his eyes. "No, you just... took me by surprise, is all," he says, not removing his fingers, and giving you a small smile.

"Well, anyways, I'm going to get in the water. You'll just have to stick it out and watch," you say. Mycroft groans. "I have nothing to do now," he says. You roll your eyes, smiling. "Yes you do, you can watch me!" You say, running into the waves.

Mycroft chuckles. "I suppose that does give me something to do... admire my girlfriend." You wave at him from in the water. He sends a small wave in your direction.

You dive into the waves, and swim out really far. You swim back inland, only to see that Mycroft is further down, but where you left him. You realise that you're moving further away from him, so you swim towards the shore, out of the current.

You then swim back across from Mycroft's spot on the beach. You get out of the water and walk up to him, your hair and body dripping water. Mycroft stands and wraps a towel around your shoulders.

He sits back down in the sand and cautiously wraps his arm around you. "You know, maybe this isn't so bad," Mycroft says. You put your wet head on his shoulder. He flinches from sudden contact.

"It would be better if you could join me in building a sandcastle!" You propose. Mycroft sighs. "The rest of my suit will get sandy," he whines. "Aww, poor Myc," you say. Mycroft rolls his eyes. "My name is Mycroft. If you can't say it right, please refrain from saying it at all," he says. You snort.

"Fine, I never wanted to build a sandcastle anyways," you say. Mycroft pulls you closer to him. "Darling, when we get to the rental home, we can do whatever you would like," he says.

You smirk. "Whatever I want?" You ask, narrowing your eyes. Mycroft's eyes widen and a light pink spreads across his cheeks. Mycroft swallows. "Yes, dear," he says hesitantly.

You lean in to him and whisper in his ear, "oh, I know what I want to do when we get home."

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