..Famous Jhope..

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It's been a few minutes I'm waiting for Mrs Audrey and Mr Jeon here. I still can't believe what I heard before.
what makes him hate journalists that much?! what will happen to me now ?! i sighed."

"Mr. Park i'm sorry i make you waiting like this"

suddenly Mrs Audrey came without i realized, she sat with an annoyed face that she could not hide, maybe the conversation with Mr.Jeon made her look like this. i looked her pouty and sighed.

"I apologize if my presence here makes Mr Jeon feel uncomfortable.
I don't mean to hear your conversation but I overheard it."

"No, it's not your fault.
in this case I'm the one who should apologize to you Mr Park."

She talked to me in a sad tone,she said that she didn't want me to be influenced by Mr Jeon's words. She wished i would keep working on making this book. I just can't refuse it and make her feel sad so i told her i would keep doing it. Right after i said that i can saw a change on her face....she smiled.

"I think I want to walk out and find a place to get rid of this annoyance."

she looked at me and asked if maybe I could recommend a place for her.Honestly, not so many places that I often visit because I prefer to spend my time in my hyung restaurant.

"I don't really know places like that, if I need to feel relaxed I always spend my time in my hyung's restaurant. But I don't know if it will suit you Mrs.Audrey"

"well, if you say like that then I believe in you Mr.Park."
About Mr. Jeon, what if we just ignore him, he can't stand if he is ignored but he should be given a little lesson so he wouldn't become a stiff man like that. Mrs Audrey conveyed his idea to me while giggling

"But it will look rude and I'm sure Mr. jeon will hate me more "

" No, it will be all right, you come with me. she wink at me.

"Let's go to the place where you said Mr. Park.

At the dance practice ...

I was a little surprise by the place he showed to me.
"It is right here where your dance practice Mr Tae?!! I asked him while parking my bike"

"yes..I'm a new member here. I joined about a few days ago. and Mr Hobi please don't call me Mr Tae just Tae. it sounds very strange when you call me that cuz you are older than me."he then excuse him self "

"Thankyou for your ride Mr Hobi"

"No problem,..and Tae you can call me Hobi hyung." he nodded and smile. he looked a little rush as he entered the building by running.

"So he's junior,no wonder if i just saw him right now." I entered the building with the opposite direction with him, I went through the back door.I know it sounds a bit unusual but I do it because I have my own reasons.


I heard my name being called by someone, I turned towards the voice it is the owner of this place.

"Thank god you came early today, I need your help" he pulled my hand and took me to a place that I think is a place to practicefor beginners.

"wait...!! why did you bring me to this place?! don't tell me that you.."
I haven't even finished my words but he opened the door and brought me inside


I don't know what makes the atmosphere of the room suddenly become crowded with the excited voices of the girls. Its just like they are meet their idols.I even can hear some girls say. "I don't believe he's here or coach Jhope he's so handsome "

"huufftt...another fangirling again"
i sighed. I'm not very focused on them,i just busy talking with my friend.

"Boys and girls attention please...!! Cuz coach Taemin is absent your practice will be handled by coach Jhope"
the room becomes more crowded with the sound of cheers and applause. He is so famous here, every time when im practice I always hear the girls and even the boys they talk about how they possible can be trained by coach Jhope.

I got curious about this coach.
i lift my head slowly to look at this coach..

"Hobbi hyung?!!....."


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