... panic ...

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"Be careful..!!"

I heard that scream then I felt my hand being pulled quickly making my body collide into him then we both fell to the position he hugged me tightly letting himself become my shield so I wouldn't hit the floor.

"Are you okay?" 
he asked as he let go of his hug.
I stared at his face without saying anything.

"It's okay now" he wiped my tears that without me realizing it had been running down my cheeks

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"It's okay now"
he wiped my tears that without me realizing it had been running down my cheeks. 

"i'm sorry..i didn't mean to be rude to you"
Suddenly he realize what he had done and quickly pull back his hand and i dont know why i feel sad when he pull his hand back like that.

"Does it hurt Mr Jeon?" 
I asked him. 

he looked at me confused then I pointed at his arm.

" looks like your elbow is bleeding"
I said and He looked at his arm and say It's okay it doesn't hurt while smiled to me.

"You have to treat it before it becomes an infection Mr Jeon"

"No,It's really okay. Its not that hur...".

"Why are you so stubborn.!!"
"Is treating wounds so difficult for you?!" 
i screamed at him while crying which surprised him by my reaction and I really don't know what got into me.

"Okay..okay, I'll treat it"
he said but I can still see the shock and confusion on his face and vice versa. 
I don't know what happened to me,why I'm behaving like this.

"If you don't mind, can you help me?" 
he asked and I stared at him without saying any words or do anything.

"it's okay if you dont want, I'll use the mirror here"
he smiled then stood up and walked towards the first aid box which was not far from where we were.

i see he started to take care his wound.

"He can handle it"
i mumbled walked back to the table where seulgi was, i didn't want her to get discouraged because i left her for a while and i am right I saw that Seulgi was starting to look bored there. 

"let's go home"
She pouted when i walked up to her then stood up and walked away annoyed. 

"what's wrong with you?" 
I asked but she didn't answer me and along the way she didn't speak at all even when we got home. 

usually she would ask me to accompany her but not this time,she walked straight into her room and still in an annoyed mood. 

"what's wrong with her?" 
I muttered

meanwhile in seulgi's room...
"No..! i won't let him go, he is jiyong my husband"
i walking back and forth beside my bed.

"Sejun can't do this to me!" 
I screamed covering my face with the pillow. 

flash back...
My phone rang again and I still got a call that was not in my contacts.

actually, this number has called me for several times now but bcuz I don't know whose has the number so i decide to ignored it and not pick it up but it wouldn't stop so when that number called again i decide to pick it up. 

"Hello..who is this?" 
"Hello.." I speak. 

"Seulgi..please don't be selfish, you have to return Jimin hyung to his family"
a male voice from the other side said and I know who he is. 

"He is not jimin..he is my husband Jiyong can't you understand that!!"
I said with anger.

"We both know he's not Jiyong. You can't take advantage of the situation he's in right now,seulgi." 
sejun speak gently but still makes me angry. 

"How do you know if he's not Jiyong?!!"

"Were you there when we first met?!"

"Were you there when we got married?!" 

"If you don't know..then you have no right to ask me to leave my husband,you got that Mr Lim se jun?!!"
I raised my voice a little to him.

"Okay,I admit I don't know all about that  but I'm also very sure Uncle and Aunt don't know about all that either right?"

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