... Insane ...

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" U-uncle Hobi"
I was surprised when i received a call from Jimin but its not his voice that i heard but Min's voice who was sobbing.

"Shhh...shhh...what's wrong with this uncle Hobi's favorite little angel?"
I tried to hold back my panic when i asked them cuz i didn't want the children to be scared to hear my panic.

I asked again why he was crying and then Koo spoke telling why they were crying. i could only feel touched and also funny because of their innocence.

"Uncle Hobby's favorite little angel you guys are so adorable"
I said while sending a kiss.

I explain to them that what they think and what they fear is not true, father is not what they imagine. father is someone who is just like Dad who will always be there for them even though sometimes father has to go first to come back with happiness and also toys and sweets.

"Is that really Hobi uncle?"
Koo asked and i heard they weren't crying anymore.

"Yes...! of course. Your father must have had plenty of toys and sweets to give you and do you know what else your father will give you?"

"Ironman robot, fairy clothes?!"
Koo and Min cheered which made me laugh cuz they seem like forget about what make them crying before.

"Of course that too, but there is something more special"
Tae suddenly spoke.

"Uncle Tae..i miss you !!"
the children said at the same time and of course Tae answered them with a spoiled tone and a kiss.

"My little angel, something special that your father brought to you was a "promise" a promise to always be with you and also be with your dad forever"

"Until we grow up?"
Koo asked.

"Yes,my little angel"

"Are you a..."
when i was about to ask again they hung up the phone.

I feel relieved but a little anxious to hear them too,i looked at Tae and he nodded as if he already knew what i was thinking.

We walked towards jimin's house because luckily we were not far from his house. when we were about to arrive we saw Taemin like in a bad mood.

I calling him but he didn't seem to hear me so we quickened our pace a bit with the intention of greeting him but then we were very surprised when he took something out of a box that he took out from his car.

"what is he going to do?!!"
I said to myself, then i saw where he was pointing the gun and a horror image flashed through my mind as i realized where the shot was going.

I couldn't move at that moment because i was shocked to see what was in front of me.

What i remember next is that i screamed loud when i saw Tae was behind Taemin who was trying to snatch the gun from his grip.

after back from my shock i ran to help Tae. we grabbed Taemin and without realizing i was already on top of Taemin throwing my fists without stopping, if only at that time Tae didn't scream at me and pulled me i think Taemin will die there.

I cried in Tae's arms while Taemin he laughed while crying and then got up walking towards his car.

"I'm sorry Hobi"
he said before entering his car and then starting to drive his car fast.

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