Chapter 36- Now or never.

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Laurence's P.O.V:

I snuck around the cottage, crawling under low windows and hiding in thick bushes to get around guards.

"This is so incredibly stupid!" A female voice shouted frustratedly. I heard the sound of two wooden pales fall to the stone brick ground and water splash. Why did that voice sound familiar?...

"Quit having a tantrum Sasha... Oh, well done, you dropped the water." A male voice replied to her.

I knew that voice, I could recognise it from a mile away. Gene.

Sasha and Gene.

Why was Zane working with Sasha and Gene?!

"I shouldn't have to be carrying buckets of water around! Especially for that low life Sylvana and Pitiful Aphmeow girl!" Sasha half shouted. I clenched my fist and gritted my teeth, how dare she speak of aphmau like that.

"Her name is Aphmau-" Gene stated

"Whatever! Like I care..." Sasha interrupted him and sighed frustratedly.

"Right, well if you don't care- get a grip, pick up a bucket and let's refill these with water."


I watched through the leaves as Gene and Sasha picked up the buckets and headed into the woods. I sighed with relief and rushed out of the bush and over to the back entrance.

3rd Person P.O.V:

Garroth and Aaron took a deep breath before opening the front door and charging in, battle cry loud and strong to gain attention.

Guards rushed over to them left, right and centre, desperate to get the hit that would make Zane proud and not want them dead.

In the glorious tune of the fight distraction inside, Laurence opened the back door and rushed inside.

No one was nearby.

He sighed with relief and rushed around, being cautious of any guards that could be on the prowl.

Aaron and Garroth fought long and hard, tripping over the metallic bodies that covered the floor and slipping on pools of blood, balance remained through the entirety of this procedure.

Laurence came across some dark rooms with glass windows and a beam of light inside.

This must be it... Right?

He destroyed the lock with the back of his sword and watched in delight as it dropped to the floor. He quickly pushed the door open and rushed towards the beam of light.

There was a girl lying on the floor, arms and legs chained up. Blood. Everywhere. Black hair, torn clothes.

"Aphmau?" Laurence enquired softly, kneeling down beside her and gently pulling her chin up so he could see her features.

"Aphmau?" The girl muttered. This wasn't Aphmau.

"Sylvana" Laurence said with relief but also sheer dread. She was alive, but barely.

Imagine what Aphmau and Katelyn were gonna be like...

Aaron's P.O.V:

I was beginning to grow tired and Garroth seemed the same. How many guards were there on this project?!

I sliced the last guys neck and dropped to my knees in the pool of blood, Garroth breathed heavily beside me.

That. Took. A lot. Of energy.

Once catching my breath back, I stood and looked around.

"Where's Zane?"

Garroth looked at me in dismay, clearly seeing that this wasn't the end.
I heard a low chuckle and a sword scraping against the floor.

"B-Baby brother?..." Garroths voice shook at the figure coming towards them.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2018 ⏰

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