Chapter 8: A day with Aaron

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Aphmau's P.O.V:

OH MY IRENE! I CAN'T BELIEVE THOSE GUYS!!! okay, deep breaths Aph... Calm down... They were only looking out for you... BUT STILL! STALKING ME?! I watch Garroth and Laurence leave and when they are out of sight I turn to Aaron embarrassed "I am SO sorry Aaron, I didn't think they would stalk me and listen in to our conversations" I can't believe those two. He smirks and speaks in his low, angelic voice "Meh, no harm done. I least I got to meet your friends "he took my hand and I could feel the heat rush to my cheeks. He's holding my hand... "A-Aaron?..." he looks panicky "S-sorry, are you uncomfortable?..." He says gently. I smile and squeeze his hand "no, its fine. I was just making sure you were okay." He looked down at our hands and smiled. His hands are so warm... and soft... "I'm fine. I'm glad I've finally met you." Aaron says flirtatiously raising his eyebrow. Oh my Irene... Not only is he hot, he flirts. He seems vaguely familiar to me but I'm not sure where I've been him before...

Aaron's P.O.V:

I really thought she would remember me... We went to high school together. I always teased her calling her a potato. I really liked her though. If I'd have known she was Aph... I wouldn't have teased so much... Then again... I should have just guessed. I didn't even know her name back then though, not until I got to know her a bit... "Hey- Um... Wanna come to my place?" she smiles at me and I watch a strand of her shiny black hair fall in front of her face. I slowly bring my hand up to her face and move it out of her face and behind her ear. It's at soft as I expected it to be. "T-Thanks... Um... Yes, I'd love too" she says smiling, I smile back and we start walking to my house, still hand in hand

_____________________________Time skip till there at Aaron's house__________________________


We arrive to my house and walk inside "Wow..." I look at Aphmau and she's gazing around the room in disbelief. "Oh my Irene..." She looks so cute when she's shocked, I close the door behind us and place my black coat on the coat hanger in my hallway and show Aphmau to my living room. She seems somehow perplexed yet impressed and excited at the same down. She seems like an emotional woman. Good! Better than that Sasha girl I dated. "Dante! Travis?!" I yell out to my room-mates. There usually home. "Yeah, Aaron?" I heard Dante yell from upstairs "Sup!" Travis yelled jumping out of his room in a sing-song tune making Aphmau giggle quietly. Why does she have to be so darn cute? The lads started heading downstairs and when Dante and Travis saw Aph there eyes widened. I swear if they pull any moves on her I'll-

"A...Aphmau?! Oh my Irene it IS you!" Dante yelled with excitement running towards Aphmau and hugging her/ picking her up and twirling her making her luscious hair fly through the air. "Oh my Irene! Dante- Dante put me down! Haha!" She's giggling like a mad-man and its strangely adorable. I glare at Travis quickly and see him eating breath mints and combing his hair back with his hand. Oh dear... If Travis says anything weird to Aph I'll hit him so hard he won't be able to- "Well, hello there... long time no see, Aphmau. In case you have forgotten, the names Travis, but you can call me baby" he said, winking flirtatiously. She rolled her eyes and I stood next to Travis and growled quietly 'Don't bring out my dark side, Travis'  I whisper to him in a deep, ferocious voice. I hear him swallow his pride and nod. He walks back upstairs and everything goes silent.

Aphmau's P.O.V:

I can't believe I met Dante again! I went to school with him! Maybe I should ask Aaron how he met Dante and Travis. We all sit down on the couch with our drinks which Dante made and gave out and we help ourselves to the biscuits on the glass table. Now is my chance to ask "So, Aaron... How did you meet Dante and Travis?" I see Dante look at me confused and then Aaron, entertained whilst he starts to laugh behind his cup of tea. "What's so funny?" me and Aaron say in unison making Dante laugh even more-so. "Oh my irene, are you two having a laugh? You both went to school with us! I was good friends with Aaron, although he hardly knew you Aphmau, he use to call you a 'small potato' " Oh... My Irene... I didn't think he was THAT Aaron! "WHAT!" We both say, astounded by the news we just received "Wait... You were the girl having that problem with Gene and his Shadow Nights group... You spoke to me anonymously in the music room" Aaron said thoughtfully... All this time... "So it was YOU who was playing the guitar really well!" I say back excitedly. I've known Aaron for years... Without even realising that I knew him! After a few hours of 'chit chat' it was time to return home. Maybe I should message Garroth and Laurence asking them to come pick me up. 

Room-matesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें