Chapter 4: Garroth's concern

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Aphmau's P.O.V:

I still can't sleep. I appreciate Garroth's concern, it means a lot knowing someone cares. I stare out of the window and watch the sun rise.

I still can't get over the fact that me and Garroth were sharing the same dream, just from different perspectives...

I wonder what Laurence has been up too all night?

I know he had it pretty rough yesterday. I keep thinking about the dream until I'm completely thrown out of my train of thought by a knock at the door "Aphmau, may I come in?" I hear a deep voice I could only claim to be Garroth say.

I want to reply, I really do. But I can't talk, I'm so tired that words cannot process in my mind. Everything is just a blur... I feel so darn rude! I'm so tired of everything but I'm so tired I can't fall asleep.

I hate it.

I hear his deep voice again "I'm coming in... Okay Aph?"

There's a moment of silence before I see the door starting to open. I look up to the ceiling, close my eyes and sigh.

I. Am. So. Tired.

"Aph, are you alright?" I hear him ask curiously. I look towards him and open my eyes to see his diamond blue eyes, sandy blonde scruffy hair and his bright pink cheeks, he looks so cute.

Come on... Say something.

"...I... I'm alright" I FINALLY answer him and he looks at me strange... I'm a little worried. I've not seen him look so concerned before in my life... "You sure?..." He questions me but it feels more like interrogation. I want to cry but I've completely ran out of tears.

He closes my bedroom door and sits down beside my on my bed looking down at me worriedly. I was about to lie and say everything was fine until he gently grabbed my hand... I shake my head and lean on Garroth's chest. I feel his arms wrap around my waist as he comforts me.

He's so warm... I'm so lucky to have a friend such as Garroth, wait. Scratch that. I'm so lucky to have a BEST friend like Garroth. I wouldn't trade him for the world.

Garroth's P.O.V:

I sit at my windowsill waiting for the sun to start to rise. I couldn't sleep. All I could hear was aphmau sighing and crying softly into her pillow all night long.

How am I suppose to sleep when I know she's in such an awful state right next to me?

The sun starts rising and I watch it raise into the sky. It's so beautiful... Aphmau... Funny how that's the first word that comes to mind.

I should go check on her.

I head out of my room and walk through the Livingroom towards her door. I knock and speak gently through the door "Aphmau, may I come in?" Everything is silent and all I hear is her taking deep, shaky breaths, as if she was struggling to speak. I begin to worry. "I'm coming in. Okay Aph?" I wait a few seconds for any answer at all... Nothing...

I open the door to see Aphmau lying in her bed with her eyes closed facing the ceiling. "Aph, are you alright?" I ask curiously. She faces her head into my direction and opens her dull eyes. I see bags under her eyes and her cheeks are bright red. Even an idiot could tell something was wrong. "...I... I'm alright" She whispered. I closed her bedroom door and sat beside her on her bed, looking down at her concerned. "You sure?" I gently grab her hand and stare at her. She shook her head and leaned on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her waist in an effort to comfort her.

"It's okay Aph, I'm here..." I whispered. She mumbles something very quietly but I get what she says. I hear it clear and loud...

"I wouldn't want it any other way"

I smile and hold her tighter. She has no idea how much I love her. I lean into her and our faces were only inches apart. I pull her closer and gaze into her eyes "Please smile. I hate seeing you like this" I lean in until I feel our lips met. I panic and pull away. I stand up and rush out of the room.

I just kissed Aphmau...

Aphmau's P.O.V:

Garroth just kissed me... Oh my irene, I knew he liked me but... Oh my gosh, I can't think straight, I'm so shocked yet happy at the same time... It's weird. He looks shocked and leaves my room hastily. I don't blame him. I just can't believe he actually kissed me. Now both of my room-mates have kissed me. I have a feeling things are gonna be a little intense and awkward between us all...

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